
I don't know what to do about my betta fish.?

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Yesterday I put my betta in his own 10 gallon tank.

Before that, he had been living in a little bowl for about a week.

When he was in that bowl, he got very lethargic and stayed at the bottom, only to come up for air. His "chin" looks like it's covered in a goldish covering, and he kept scratching it against everything.

All the symptoms, minus white spots, said Ich, but I wasn't positive. So, I went out and bought rid-ich because it also treats a lot of other diseases he got the medication once I put him in the tank, and ever since then all he has been doing (after he explored it a bit) is swimming up and down the tank walls.

I just put the carbon back in the filter to get rid of the medication. What should I do? Do the medication again? What does his disease sound like?

Ahhh. (It can't be new tank syndrome yet, I put the tank together 2 days ago and last night was the first time it had any ammonia because of the fish.)

And this is my first fish, so...yeah.




  1. I have a Betta fish also. Do you put water conditioner in his or her water? If so, (s)he might be irratated. I dont know if he has a disease. But I'm not certain. It is possible. Have you checked with the pet store you bought him from? Maybe he was a little sick, and it turned into a disease. I'm not very sure, because that never happened to mine but... good luck!

    I hope your fish gets better!

    ~Nina G.

  2. hmm...  in the 10 gallon, is there a filter? Also, do you have plants and other "scenery" in the tank, or is it just a bare tank with some gravel?

    Bettas often live their whole lives in tiny bowls or cups (which is sad) and so CAN get a little stressed out if put into a bigger tank, though they do prefer a bigger tank.

    You're doing the right thing treating him for ich. He's such a small fish, though, that he's probably not going to cause TOO much ammonia buildup in that big tank, so that's likely not the problem.

    Also, if you have a filter in there, he's probably all weak still from living in still, closed quarters, and needs to get used to the exercise he'll have to do to keep himself in place. (all those fins are like trying to hang on to a golf umbrella in a hurricane!) Many bettas will find some still spot to rest.

    And if he's exploring the walls and corners of the tank, understand that bettas are curious creatures. Rather intelligent for fish. He's probably checking out some minutia on your tank wall. Try putting a plant or two in there and see how he reacts. Often, bettas will curl up on a soft plant to rest - it's very cute... kinda like a puppy.

    Good luck with your fish! You might want to get him a tank mate - like a few otocinclus catfish to take care of algae and/or dwarf african frogs. It'll give him something to look at that's moving. :)

  3. Did you check to see how warm the tank is? If it's pacing it's pacing it might be overheated. Or it might be feeling better. I would watch the fish. Maybe it's nothing.

  4. as soon as you put some kind of ammonia source in your tank, it will start cycling

    read more about the cycling process here

    more about ich, you can read here

    i would do a 25% waterchange, and see if he gets better

    also, once you start treatment, you should always finish it, if you don't why even bother to start it in the first place

    he is definitely stressed from the move as well as from treatment


    betta's enjoy warmer temperatures around 78-82 degrees, so it can't be to warm, but to cold for a betta

    Edit 2*

    a 10 gallon is definitely not to big for a betta

    they DO NOT enjoy to be in cramped places

    you made the right choice of putting him in there

    i think your betta is mainly stressed from the move, and will adjust to his surroundings in a matter of a week

    just make sure, that you test your water and do waterchanges accordingly to it

  5. sounds like vevlet, the rid-ich shouldv'e cured that but vevlet can be stubborn. i suggest treating the tank according the the directions on the medicine, and yes it can be new tank syndrome because it takes about 6 weeks to cycle a tank, not 2 days.

  6. a ten gallon tank is a little too big for betta if you want my opinion. most betta fish like small enclosed areas because they are used to living in puddles out in the wild. i bet maybe the medicine cured him and he's fine but maybe he's pacing and acting weird because he isn't used to such a big area. i keep my betta fish in one of those glass bowls for goldfish and bettas. i also have one plant in there and some white and clear marble like stones at the bottom. he loves it and i've never had an issue with him. i've have him for about 5 months now.

  7. did you let your water sit for at least 24 hours before you put your fish in.did u put the old fish water in the tank. did u wash your tank out b4 your put the fish in and didnt use soap its bad. did u put a heater they like that, do u have rocks and plants in there they also like that. and maybe try putting a light on it. fish go into shock from moving them around he will probly be good in a day or so. your water temp is fine it should be at 75-80 and put a thermometer sticker on the side of the tank it tells u the actual temp of the water.good luck

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