My brother is 11 and he's a bit overweight. 90 lbs at 4'7. Today at school he got made fun of and was called fat by another kid during gym time for some strange reason. I never think of my brother as fat although he has gotten a bit fatter over the years. Now my brother thinks that he's obese and looks up pictures of obese kids on the Internet and SAYS that he's like them!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is athletic, personable, nice, you name it. So what pissed me off so frigin much was that this dumbshit kid then went on saying that my brother was "ugly".
My brother is truthfully one of the best looking kids in the world, in my opinion. Not saying that cause I'm his brother, it's my opinion.
What should I do to help him solve this mini fight with this dumbass kid and eventually help him gain self confidence.
PS i don't make fun of him and do not belittle him.