
I don't know what to do anymore, my parents make me so mad and it's having a bad effect on me. What do I do?

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Ao I pretty much hate my parents. They are not very intelligent at all. My mom is an idiot because she chooses to stay with my dad, despite the fact that he has attacked her a couple times a few years ago over the house not being clean enough, and when she went to her sisters. She never gets any exercise, has insomnia, and eats bad food. She overworks herself because my idiot dad can't bring in any money. And my dad is even worse. He drank a lot and still does occasionally and even went out drunk in his car like an idiot. He's called me names before over silly things. He even asked me if he and my mom should get divorced. My mom tells me I need to respect him. Yeah right. I don't care if he helped bring me here, it seems the only reason he did was to make me miserable. If I call him stupid, which he has done to me before, he always says would any of your little friends talk like that to their dads? Well maybe my little friends didn't have to watch their dads go out driving drunk and abuse their wives. So yeah I'm just really angry. I can't stand my parents anymore. I pretty much stopped caring about how I make them feel. I've tried to support my mom and give her help, but she doesn't want it. So I don't even bother anymore. When I leave, I'm gone for good. Their problems will stay with them and I'll deal with my own instead of trying to take theirs on. So I'm done. What am I supposed to do about all this? I'm the youngest in my family and I have very little say in anything. I'm 17 so I can't move out yet. I've tried looking for a job but nobody will hire me. I've done volunteer work and I'm taking co-op when school starts so maybe that will help me. I just want to get as far away from my family as posible. I'm also getting counselling and it's helping, but I can't truly get better until I leave this destructive environment. I'm very depressed and my family makes it worse. Once I'm gone, I'll at least be able to better deal with it. Sorry for making this long but if I give you as many details as possible, it'll be easier to answer.




  1. you should see my family then  

  2. Well, it sounds like your not the only one in need of counselling. The only solution I can see fit for this problem is family counselling. Either that, or go ahead and take up your Dad's advice in regards to divorcing your mom. I know this will sound korny, but based off what I read from your text, I don't think your parents have a complete disregard for you...Try this as well, If you see one of your parents distraught about something, give them a hug and let them in on what's on your mind. For example when it comes to your Dad's drinking. You'd be surprised, they may just hear you out and seek help due to your sympathy for them. Just simply let them know that you're worried about thier health.


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