
I don't know what to do anymore...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I have a younger brother whose an Inch or 2 taller than me, btu I weight 3 punds more than him.. And I'm a freakin cheerleader! And my dad is critisizign me cuz of it.. He calls me a bad influence when me and my sister are playing, and he ALWAYS calls me fatt/pudgie! When he's not skinny!!! AND we use to be so close, then I became a cheerleader.. Y did he all of a sudden stop treatign me like before? I use to be a MAJOR Tomboy and I still am just a Cheerleadig Tomboy.. yea that works, and I still skateboard... But he's actign like the weight difference is like 100 pounds and he wont' shut up abotu it! And I'm going into 8th grade and my Bro is goign intp 6th... I just dont' know what to do! What's wrong with me??? Oh and srry for the spellign mistakes cuz my computer is all screwed up...




  1. Tell your Dad that he needs to be careful with his comments.  Criticisms made to girls about their weight can cause long term damage, not to mention eating disorders, if made carelessly.

    You're more grown up than HIM!

  2. Dont focus on the weight issue. You should weight more than your brother since you are older. Your dad is being insensitive and probably doesnt realize it. most men dont. If yuo get the chance let him know how his comments make you feel. This can help begin to heal your relationship.  

  3. Your dad is a jerk. As long as your healthy thats all he should be concerned about.

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