
I don't know what to do anymore.??!!?

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What do you do when at age 17 you feel so sick all the time that you have less energy than your 75 year old grandma? I have had a chronic illness since I was in the 5th grade and I am turning 18 in a few months. I have a low grade fever 24/7 and I get a flu/cold/sinus infection at least once a week. I don't know what to do anymore. School is so stressful because I am constantly trying to catch up on work, and college is coming up next year. I just can't do it anymore. I have tried talking to a therapist, but talking about it doesn't make it suck less. I am on so many supplements that i have lost count. what should I do? I can't take it anymore. There isn't even hope for the future because I will probably always feel like this.




  1. Go and get allergy testing done. When someone is that run down, its often because they are continually exposed to some thing/s that they are allergic to, whether dietary, topical or environmental. The symptoms you describe are fairly typical. You may even have, like I do, multiple allergies with varying degrees of intolerance.  If you can eliminate some/most of them your health may improve dramatically.

    Worth at least an attempt before giving up on life at such a young age.

  2. thats sad. accept what you have and work with it not against it..and I think getting some counseling and joining a support group of your peers in your position could help.

  3. Maybe you don't need a therapist you need a good dr. There could be something medically wrong with you. Request to have your thyroid checked.

  4. This should be in Health

    You need to see a doctor taking scripts not supplements.

  5. if you keep thinking like that, you WILL feel like that. Read the book "the secret" and have a better outlook on life. I'm sorry for what you're going through, however your attitude also dictates your health and if your attitude is always feeling sad or hopeless, you will be that way. If you make the best of it, and focus on what you can do properly, enhance your strong points, you will be fine. Read about Stephen Hawkings as well, you may be inspired when you find out that he is one of the greatest scientists but can't even talk and is in a wheelchair.  

  6. you will get better answers to this if you move it to the right section

  7. I agree with K D. &There is always hope! You just need more help. Talk to someone you trust and then go somewhere to make you feel better! Good Luckk<3

  8. Your problem is you tried "talking" to the therapist but have not done the work necessary to have a breakthrough in the area you are struggling in. When your truth shows up you will have an opening for a new realm of possibility.

  9. I know how you feel! My daughter and myself have had similar health problems as you. Mine started when I was around 9-10. My daughter who is 11  has had problems since she was 2. Mine started as being asthmatic with hypothyroidism. Hers was asthmatic. I used to miss school constantly and never seemed to catch up. Teachers never helped the situation or would help me. My daughter was constantly sick and would miss at least 30 days of school per year. She was failing most of her classes. I heard about cyber school which was a lifesaver for our family. I am hoping that you can find one near you or in your state.( We are in PA. And attend Pa Cyber)  It was such a relief to be able to not have to worry about my kid constantly being sick from being around others at her school. Every year it seemed like she would be sick all the time with upper respiratory symptoms and pneumonia. As soon as she started the cyber schooling at home I noticed the difference right away. First of all the sicknesses seemed to stop right off the bat. If she did get sick, she could still do her classes at home in her pajamas and lay down in between classes. If she would have to miss any classes, the school has playbacks for every class, so she never missed anything. They gave her a online tutor for 2 days a week. She has been getting straight a's for the last 3 years. There isn't any pressure from kids around you. The teachers are all very helpful. And there are tutors available till 8 p.m. at night. You don't pay for anything, the school sends you a computer to use as well as your books and anything else you may need. As for college, you very well could also take computer classes at home as I know of many colleges which provide those types of classes. It may just be what you need right now to help you regain your health. Good Luck and try not to be so down on yourself, I know it's hard when you just feel so rotten, but remember that there is always a solution around the corner, sometimes you just have to look for it and it will find you. God Bless!!!!

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