
I don't know what to do my boyfriend of 3 years seems to be moving on to something else. What should I do?

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so my boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me and he said we might get together down the road like in a couple months. he said he thinks I'm the one but he's not sure and he wants to see whats out there for him and I don't know if i should still talk to him or if i should wait or just for get him. got any good pointers or similar situations, i would love to hear it.




  1. i was in a similar situation. i was in love with a guy and he decided to see what else what out there after 3 years of being together and living together, but still wanted to see me. Seemed he would come around when convenient and just keep me hanging on and telling me we would be together again. Well i finally figured out he wouldn't come back after a while so i moved on ... long story short he walked all over me for 2 years after we broke up! so i finally met some one else and got over him (it was hard but well worth it) and that's when he finally came back and wanted to make it work was when he new that it was over. and of course he is single now and lonely and blames me bc i am happy and have an amazing guy. so that is my story and my advice is to not let him walk all over you, just depends on the guy cuz my ex was horrible the whole time, (yes i realize this now lol) but do what you think is best he might be a better guy then mine was, just depends on how he has treated you the last 3 yrs. maybe tell him you guys take a break ya know for a couple weeks or something see how you both feel and try to communicate with each other and if he doesn't seem like he is putting as much as you are into it then i would just say that there is someone better for you ! Just see how you both feel after not seeing each other as much after couple weeks and go from there, if he is honest and open he is a good guy but if he thinks its stupid and doesnt want to try- loose him fast! and just remember that no matter what you deserve to be treated like a QUEEN!!! Good Luck to you !!!

    oh and it doesnt hurt to stay friends with them i am still friends with my ex. just as long as it doesnt stress you out too much. Hope i helped :0)

  2. like hes doing, try new people, if he were the one, you would know, no doubts in both of your minds. =) just sayin...

  3. I was with my ex for 2 years. I broke off the relationship because he was supposedly cheating on me with a chick on myspace. In the end, I didn't believe her, when I tried to get back with him he said the same thing to me as your guy. He said that I was the one and maybe we'd be together soon. Lo and behold, it's 3 years later. We have been off and on for the past 3 years and the girl from myspace is now the mother of his 1 1/2 year old daughter. So take what he says with a grain of salt. 3 years is a lot to throw aways, but women's intuition is no joke.

  4. My bf cheated on me and wanted to be with another girl.. until he found out she was just playing him.. and i waited.

    I don't think you should wait on the hope that he will get back with you knowing he is trying to find someone to be with other than you.

    Besides some guys use that excuse so they can go **** other girls and have you waiting on the side just incase the newrelationship they are in goes wrong.

  5. Get rid of that loser.He basically dumped you so he can have s*x with other women.

  6. Consider it a full-fledged break up.  He probably just said that stuff about maybe getting back together again in the future to ease the blow at the time.  And, while it could happen, if it was certain, yall wouldn't be breaking up in the first place.

    So, sever ties with him - don't talk to him, you'll just draw your pain out longer - and carry on with your own life.  Get another boyfriend or don't, whatever strikes your fancy.  Spend more time with other friends, or on your studies, or on some hobby.  

  7. probably a hot bj

  8. wait for him...

    answer mines

  9. well... maybe he just needs to sort some things out in his life...

    if i were you... i wouldnt keep your hopes TOO high...

    but it seems like hes gonna come back

    stay friends with him... that way you know whats goin on...

    what hes thinking... you can get an idea of if hes comin back or not

    my bf and i broke up once...

    i tried to make him realize that i can move on too...

    when i saw him i didnt look depressed... i looked good..

    that way he knew what he was missing out on

    it might have been rude... but we're back together and have been for awhile now

  10. People move on. And three years is good enough, right? Your 3-year-boyfriend is right that you need to move on. Here's something:

    - Talk to him

    - Be friends with him

    - Try to schedule a meet for at least every month

    I hope this helps (sorry if it doesn't)

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