
I don't know what to do!!!?

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I have been breast feeding my daughter for the past 5 month and because of that I have been using a POP birth control pills. I am now trying to ween my daughter and wondered if I should switch to a normal birth control pill? I am highly allergic to latex so normal condoms are out and the lamb skin condoms are not reliable. My doctor told me it was up to me. I just need input!




  1. well if you are going to slowly ween than I don't think you want to go right back to regular birth control as it may affect your daughter.  I am in the same boat as you with the latex allergy and what my husband and I do when we are in times like this is get out the old calendar and do the old fashion CM watching and calendar dating-it's not 100% but neither is the POP while weening(from what I understand).  and if all else fails there is always enjoying each other in other ways until you completely ween her and begin the regular pill again-good luck!

  2. What about an IUD, they make one without hormones.

  3. well i got the implantation for 3 years of conception but it can be removed at any time im getting it taken out in janurary and trying for #2

    but it works great for me and it only $30 for the 3 years the pill cost alot more every month

  4.    I don't know much about birth controls, but if your doctor says it's up to you, you might consider the shot because you don't have to worry about taking it everyday so you don't forget. My doctor has me on that while I'm breastfeeding because he says it's best for breastfeeding moms and also less likeley for me to get pregnant because I won't have a chance to forget. Just a thought.  

  5. an IUD, they make one without hormones.

  6. If you are looking for a reliable contraception then I would go with the implant. I had my daughter 15months ago and decided to have the implant as I want protection for three years. Also you don't need to worry about taking a pill and it is 99% effective. Also it has no contraindications with breastfeeding. Also I think you could contact your local sexual health clinic as they might be more clued up and helpful. Hope you get the solution that suits you.

  7. The pill is the pill. It doesnt matter what brand or kind of birth controll pill it is, they all have the same amount of effectiveness. You could also try an IUD. They are very reliable and you dont have to worry about it daily, weekly or monthly. They are in place for years at a time. Also there is the shot. You only have to get it once every 3 months.

    I got pregnant with both my kids on the pill. Doesnt work for me no matter how precise I am at taking it. I have had an IUD and it was husband said he could "feel" the string during intercourse. (ask your doctor about this) I am now on the shot. I hate needles but I suck it up every three months. Its not bad.

  8. My OB said as soon as my guy was totally weaned from me, to switch, even if he's only nursing twice a day he will still get the hormones through the breast milk.  You may just have to take a sabbatical until baby is totally weaned and you have switched.  Good luck!

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