
I don't know what to do ?

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I'm an 18 years old girl and I go to college ( my first language is French). I would like to go on vacation this summer but unfortunately my parents don' t have money. Many of my friends have been to many places already and I feel embarrassed when they ask me " so where did you go for the summer?" beacause we never get to go anywhere. Could someone help me to go on vaction?




  1. 1. You can go as a scout of any group in your area.

    2. You can attend your college and look for a prat-time job to pay your next summer trip.

  2. just dont be embarres i agree with carla.!

  3. I hope you understand my answer by heart, here in the Philippines we have families that are homeless and are food less and your greatest concern is your vication, There is a war going on in Iraq and the world has children who are dying on the streets, be more humane. and grow up more selfless.

  4. To be honest. You are 18. and i imagine your friends are 18ish as well. This should also mean you and your friends should be somewhat mature. There is no reason to feel embarrassed that others have money and get to travel and you do not. It is how the world works.

    But if your dreadfully wish to travel and be more comfortable around your freinds start small. Work a part time job  during the off season or during school. then travel to a near but far enough to seem special city or town. Do it for a few days and come back.  this way u may be able to travel to multiple places during the summer oppose to Going to one far way place.

    I hope this works for you.

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