
I don't know what to say to her please help?

by Guest33525  |  earlier

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I started going out with my girlfriend a week ago, but when I'm around her I feel shy and I think of what to say but nothing comes out of my mouth.




  1. Don't feel alone. This happens to a lot of people when they meet someone they really like. We fear saying the wrong thing and facing rejection. Try to realize that she is a person who experiences the same emotions as you. She may be just as nervous as you are. picture yourself engaged in a stimulation conversation, then just breathe deep and talk to her. Start with a compliment. The are normally well received. Ask open- ended questions that promote conversation.  ( be careful not to be too personal if the relationship just started)  You can never truly get to know her without 2 way conversation. If all else fails...put you feelings in writing. Getting letters of admiration will boost her self-esteem.  

  2. This looks more like a dating question than language.  Now, go to the dating category, and get WHAT to say, and we'll translate it into almost any language for you.

  3. u know what I did the 1st time back then?..haha just told a joke/compliment.

    say that she has the most beautiful eyeballs in the whole ecosystem...


    yeeea haha that's my joke ;p

    P.S.  aha, that person above can sure translate

    Google Translate or someting? yeah...

  4. no relation to Language section

    write it in Relations

  5. And, What does that has to do with languages?

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