
I don't know what to think....?

by  |  earlier

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I was with this guy for 2 years... I got tired of having s*x with him, so when the situation came up, I would say that I don't feel like doing it, but he would always pressure me into doing it. Well, after a while, I would say that I don't want to have s*x at all, and he would hold my arms down and make me do it anyway. My question is, is that rape? And if it is, was it my fault for being so passive in the first place?




  1. That is R~A~P~E and he can be held accountable for it. 'No' means precisely that, and there is no reason for you to feel at fault for protecting your own body. Talk to the police about this, he should not be allowed to get away with this, and don't allow him near you again. There is no respect from him so he does not deserve you.

  2. Classic date rape. How passive were you? If you were like, "do it and leave me alone", that's not rape. If you kicked him, told him no, shoved him across the room, then he held you down, jerked up your skirt and exerted power, against resistance, that's rape.

    If you just didn't want to, were disinterested, he held your arms over your head and you didn't say anything (?), you just let a guy have s*x with you, even though you don't want it, that sounds like agreement, to me.

    Just saying no doesn't make it rape. I lived with a guy who got pissed when I said no. I still said no. I only had s*x with him when he was nice to me. After a while, I didn't have s*x with him and he hit me. He never did anything I would call rape, he hit me first. I hit back. I forgave the first altercation. The second, I became more wary. On the third, I beat his ***!

    My first run-in wasn't bad, I gave him a chance.

    Truth be told, it was already over and I should have left.

    If you wonder if it's rape, just leave. You don't want to have s*x with him, you don't love him and now it's a control issue. Stop being passive and move out, before it gets worse.

    You know its over. Call it quits and get out, before it is rape. Stop being passive, act like a woman, pack your **** and leave. If he's in your house, tell him to leave!  

  3.   You would be well advised to avoid him at almost any cost. The police will most likely ignore it after you having had s*x relations with this dude. Surely some of your  friends  can presuade him to leave you alone.

  4. Yes it is RAPE. no means no.

  5. this is absolutely rape. even if wifes don't want to have s*x with their husband and the husbands force them, then its rape.

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