
I don't know what to to with my life!?

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I'm already a junior and I still don't know what to do as a career. Let's see I like playing video games(mostly halo 3) I hate math. I like english but hate writing essays. Hobby: My friend and I make you tube videos a bout halo 3 gameplay. Dislike chemistry. Watch tv. What do you think is a good career. Hoping for something in the film or video gaming industry. Want to go to college 4 year university. Live in southeren California.




  1. No job is ever fun. Even though people say you should get a job you love, it doesn't mean it doesn't' come with hardships. Going into the video gaming industry more than likely means you have to know math. What do you think making video games involves? Point and click? Maybe simple games in flash, but even for that it's great to know coding. There are so many people that hate math but they end up doing it anyway. A job requires you to work, take risks, gain knowledge. I'm not saying give up on Halo 3 or watching you tube, they help keep your sanity intact. You say you like english, well, try story writing. Maybe even storyboarding. But keep in mind, anything in film or the video gaming industry, there is a lot of competition. And, get college and university straight. They're two different things, with different opportunities.

    You could try taking online quizzes to help find the right career for you. But in order to find a career that's great for you, you have to work for it.

  2. Get a girlfriend.  She'll tell you.

  3. You'd do well to call 1-800-525-LOVE 24-7, ask your question, let them help.

    Likewise, 1-800-232-6459 M-F business hours ask for Counseling dept.

    Talk with a counselor at school.

    Read "Freakonomics," S. Levitt.

    Think about Pepperdine.

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