
I don't know what to write in the first few sentences of my story?

by  |  earlier

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I am writing a story about a black man struggling with racism and inner conflict in the south, and I wanted the story to start out with him and maybe a few members of his family in a bad confrontation with the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) but I just can't decide how to really hook the reader in my first few sentences




  1. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Bill was thankful to realize his youngest son was unaware of the unholy realm from which they just escaped.  During a pleasant evening's walk down by the pond, Bill and his son were feeding the geese when his  4 year old son looked up and asked: "Daddy, why are all those people wearing halloween costumes for?  They look like a buncha ghost...."

  2. Jed had been tipped off that the KKK were heading his way and he had his family throw on the white hooded garb that had been prepared earlier. Jed and his family had managed to mingle with the KKK but felt awful as the head klansman threw his blazing torch into Jeds empty house and urged Jed with a threatening grunt to do the same.......

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