
I don't know whats wrong with my dog????

by Guest66836  |  earlier

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he won't eat dog food, but he will eat people food. he's limping and not moving from under the kitchen table. and he is not going to the bathroom at all. we are really worried. we took him to the vet, but our vet is like 1000 years old and he didn't take X-rays and then hedidn'tt check him for likeheart wormss or lyme. he has all his shots.

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. Find another vet and explain all the things that seem to be giving him trouble.

  2. If he likes vanilla ice cream put dog food in the ice cream. Thats how we got my dog to eat dog food. Then we would just put less and less vanilla ice cream in eat and hed just eat the dog food. Hope it works :)

  3. If he's not eliminating, he's in a desperate condition.  Please find another vet - and SOON!


    I just read your comment regarding swelling on the back of his leg.  Could you describe it in a little more detail?  Is it just above his hock?  Behind where his knee bends?  In the middle of his thigh? etc.


  4. well i have that type of dog and she is shedding too and she wasnt eating but now she is and she is 3-4

  5. A two year old?  Get another vet ASAP

  6. I would be finding another vet quick.

  7. I agree, you need to find a new vet.  One with diagnostic abilities like x-ray, blood work in house and ultrasound are great to have on the spot.  You could have a very serious problem since he is a young dog.  

  8. This is something the vet needs to take care of.

    You need to find a new vet, and quickly. Your other vet was just being lazy and probably didn't care for your dog at all.

    So hurry and either find a new vet, or take your dog to the animal hospital. Good Luck and really hope your pup feels better soon!!!

    Oh yeah, and you NEED a new vet. This could be serious, so don't say you don't need a new vet. YOU DO NEED ONE!

  9. You need to find a competent vet that can perform all the testing he needs!  He at least needs an xray and some blood work done!  I'm not sure how old your dog is but it could be so many different things going on with him.

  10. Find another vet! Go to an emergency vet clinic nearby!.. that's really scary.

    I hope your dog is okay!

  11. Find a different vet.

  12. well it sounds like he has ate poison somewhere! Our dog did the same thing sunday! Have you gave him a bath lately? If you have what shampoo did you use on him? Please answer!

  13. That is NOT normal.

    You need to find a new vet quick, fast and in a hurry!

    You should not give dogs people food in the first place, especially garlic which can be toxic to them. The hair loss is likely from stress/ illness

    Sounds like he either has a break or some kind of infection in that leg. Possibly from a bite of some kind, snake bite maybe.

    You really need to get into your car right now and find a GOOD vet to take your pet to before he dies


    and i hope every thing is ok with him soon..

  15. I don't what your vets age has to do with it but he doesn't sound a very good one.  If your dog is eating human food there doesn't sound to be too much wrong.  If they lose their appetite because of illness they wont take any food.  The limping could be a whole number of different things that can only be diagnosed by a vet (not the one you took him to)

  16. New vet.  Right now.

    Can someone give you a recommendation?  Eg your local shelter will use good vets?

  17. How old is you dog?  What breed?  How ling has the limping and lack of relieving itself been going on?  What exactly did you vet say/recommend as follow-up?

    Obviously, these symptoms are not normal (the people food thing can be if you have a very picky eater!).  Do you have the option of going to another vet?

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