
I don't know where I am now. Any help?

by  |  earlier

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I have had a plenty of flashbacks so far as being bullied among everyone or all of my money being stolen as the suspect ( a bearded male ) got to see that I was looking like a special child. He must have then had a feeling as it was a piece of cake to set me up since I was just an innocent child.

Ever had a feeling what it's like to be made fun of? It's more than you would think. So sad in tears. I even got to be scared of getting on the train or bus.

why do i have to be targeted? only me why? :cry:




  1. You seem to keep asking this question over and over.

    The more you dwell on it and keep thinking about it , the more miserable you are making yourself....isn't it bad enough other people picked on you, do you have to make YOURSELF a victim as well?

    the thing is, some people are cruel and bullies. These people are very weak themselves, so they pick on the weaker ones to make themselves feel big.

    you cry and get scared to get on a bus? you are giving big loud signals  " i am small I am weak I am easy to scare, come and bully ME"

    it is not "only you" it is everyone who looks weaker than them

    It hurts when it happens, but crying about it won't make the hurt go away. Only changing your life will, so it stops happening.

    For that you have to LOOK TOUGH.....walk tall, walk proud, head up, good fast pace, almost like marching. (don't actually march, people will laugh at that),  this says confident determined.   Slinking along close to walls, head down, always looking around, says scared and victim.

    you have to PRETEND the confidence at first, but it will grow in you as the ACTING confident improves how people treat you.

    try it today

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