
I don't know whether i should do band or football

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i'm really stressed out right now cuz i am doin both football and band but i really want 2 quit one of those two cuz its really stressing me out. I'm doin band 4 my fine arts credit and football 4 my athletics cred. i was thinkin about takin cross country too but i just do not know what to do.. should i quit band or football, or quit football and just do cross country? P.S. i can't do any other fine arts classes




  1. Well, if your school is like mine, you can get P.E. credit and Fine Arts credit from band, but you can only get credit for one of those for each year you do band. I personally am fed up with marching band, so I quit that. Football seems more fun. High school should be about fun I think. Maybe if you drop band you could do a different fine arts course next year unless you're a Senior this year. Just drop whatever you dislike most. That's what I would do.  

  2. Hi my name is scott i love to meet new people and anserw qustions so IM me my IM name is if you have something other then yahoo messenger just email me and tell me your IM doesnot matter what it is my myspace is linksawsome soadd me thank you.  

  3. Which do you like more?  Which team do you have more friends on?  What do your parents think?  Which are you better at?  And plus, playing in the band might look better on a college resume

  4. Considering I wasn't that athletic, I chose band over sports. I really liked it. It was lots of fun and a good way to meet new people. I liked it. But then again, it's whatever YOU enjoy doing and what YOU find more interest in.

  5. Unless you're REALLY good in football, go with the band. You'll be able to play for the rest of your life. Unless you can make it to the pro ranks and make a LOT of money, all football will do is give you body problems later in life and maybe the material for some good stories.

    Cross country relieves stress. Seems an easy choice. Band and running. Go for it.  

  6. Do what u r best at and what u like to do  

  7. do what you like most  

  8. stay in football  

  9. football dude, football.  

  10. This is gonna sound repetitive, but you should do what you enjoy most. If you've done both for a long time, it won't really look bad if you quit any of them, so relax and choose whatever makes you happier.

  11. don't be a band geek

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