
I don't know which girl i love.

by  |  earlier

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I'm g*y.

I've always known, never touched a boy in my life.

But i'm in a bit of a love triangle, with two girls i know.

And really like both.

I can't choose, please help.

Girl one, Bisexual, is so s**y, has an amazing body, really clever and is always horny. She's easily the girly girl in our relationship.

Girl two, L*****n, is cute and funny. Has overcome lots of problems, and it still so cheerful, but can be a bit clingy. Shes got amazing b***s, and blonde hair.

Both have told me they want to be with me, im so flattered, but i can't decide.

This is me, incase it helps, idk.

Thanks for your help, im a bit lovestruck it seems.




  1. From the sounds of it, it sounds like you are more attracted to the first girl. But listen to your heart...good luck. X

  2. unless you are in love with a baby who is looking for a name, ur in the wrong category

  3. thats gross:0

  4. girl number..............drum roll plz......bbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuummm... 2!

  5. omg you are so pretty why you have to be g*y good advice try a dude you feel like your loved  

  6. No 1.  

  7. the first girl is the prettiest

  8. None.

    You should date me.


  9. hm well i think the first girl is prettier but atleast the second girl is positive that she is a L*****n. Girl 1 is uncertain of herself and what if one day she decides she isn't g*y and she leaves you for a man.  

  10. 1

    shes cute and looks like u can have a lot of fun with


    alright looking

    go with #1



  11. Whaaaaaaat! Are you serious?

  12. Three lovely girls.  I forgot the question!

  13. number 1 is really pretty

  14. Bye Bye Bi!  You "ride the fence" and you end up with splinters up your butt.  Stick with the girl who is certain of herself and her place in the world.

    P.S.  sorry, I didn't look at the pics because what they look like, doesn't matter.

  15. Im not g*y but I would go with number 1.

    she is really pretty and is not as clingy as number 2. Also being smart is a bonus,. You 2 would also look soo cute together!

    Good luck with making your decistion.

  16. okay why is this in baby names and the first is the hottest and your pretty cute

  17. are you sure you're g*y, isnt there a possibilty that.... nevermind but really you're hot

  18. Go with girl 2. It's important to have someone to make you laugh.

  19. the 1st one is prettier

    but its about personality

    what one do you like better?

  20. Why is this in the pregnancy section and baby names.

    considering your a L*****n and u can't get these girls pregnant as your a L*****n.

    i came here expecting a mother talking about which child she loves the best and then i was going to tell her off for thinking like that!

    shame on you!

  21. Too bad you're g*y, you would look really cute with a guy.

  22. Well that is a hard spot to be in.  I know how it feels hahaha.  You can't pick based on looks.  I would close your eyes, take a breathe and see who your heart says, I would imagine you really like one of them and lust for the other.  Your heart will tell you the difference.  Good Luck

  23. Find yourself a real man and that will solve the problem.

  24. Why not have a girls night in with em all ?

    Then send me the pictures.

    All 3 are hot.

    P.S    I thought at least 1 of em would be Fat with a Skin-head,  but Oh boy,  I'm thinkin of turnin Lezza myself now !

  25. why are  you asking people on here we dont know any thing about them except how they look so you want us to judge them on that?

  26. well to be honest we cannot answer this for you. most guys here look at your picture and say your hot date me.

    you are by the way a hottie.

    you really dont need us to answer this for you, you need to decide this not us.

    but it seems to me that Gril Two is the better choice, she has overcome problems as you say so she will be the stronger person who will stay with you.

    Girl One you say is always horny, so is she more likly to stay with you or to be tempted by other people too?

    but again this is your choice,

  27. girl two

  28. The first one is more s**y me thinks

  29. none that is sooooo messed up


  31. thats a difficult decision. I'd go with girl 2 just because she sounds like she is more likely to be into a commited relationship. if you just want a fling thing then girl 1. good luck with deciding. I know how difficult those types of decisions can be.

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