
I don't know which girl to ask out?

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The thing is that there are these two girls that I think like me. And I kind of like both of them. The first girl is very athletic, she's pretty and she's hot. We have every class together and she flirts with me sometimes. The second girl is really nice with everyone, she is also athletic but not as much. She is really pretty and is also pretty hot. She is a grade below me, but we still hang out. I'm not sure which girl I should ask out.

P.S. The reason that I mentioned if they are athletic or not is that I like an athletic girl.




  1. If you don't know which one to ask out, you should even be thinking about it.

  2. Pick the one that you think you have the most in common with, that way you actually have things to talk and agree about.

  3. Ask them both out on casual dates. You'll figure it out.

  4. None of it matters .... if you like them - ask them out ... but remember a refusal can often offend... so steel yourself - strap some on and take the plunge ..... he who dares might not win - but he will find out !...


  5. go for the younger one....bc an older guy and a younger girl is VERY  cute!! wont see her every hour of ur school day.....!!!!! so u wont get annoyed..or w/e !!

    go for the younger one!

  6. The girl thats in your grad because it will give you better social status  

  7. go for the one that makes you the most happy.

    it has nothing to do with outward appearances.. in the end it's whats inside that counts.

  8. i think that you should decide whether you can date which girl. you know them more than any of us internet people do. good luck.  

  9. Wow, sounds like you may have a difficult decision to make; they sound a lot alike.  Take a little time & see which one really fits you the best; which one you are most comfortable with.  Are you social?  Is she?  Are you more private?  Is she?  Who do you have most in common with.   What do your friends think?  Ultimately you make the choice but I know what friends think factor in too.  Many guys base their initial dating choices on looks but sounds like you cannot even do that if you think they are both pretty.  Give it another couple of days (weeks maybe?).  I bet you get it figured out.

    I know it doesn't help much, but I hope it helps a little.  You should feel pretty good though, most guys would love to be in your shoes.

    Have fun!!

  10. If you like a certain type of girl then why consider going out with one that isn't like that.

  11. 1st girl Pro: Very athletic

    2nd girl Pro: Very nice

    Being athletic is always a really good thing in girls, so is being really nice and sweet, but honestly, with the information given its more of a coin flip in my opinion. Imagine being in a relationship with each one, think it would work?

    How would they put up with a disagreement or argument?

    Anything in common?

    Which one has a better relationship with their family? Especially their father? Which would show how well she could handle a relationship with a guy as well.

    Which one has better health habbits?

    Thats what I look for anyway.

    But if in the end it is more of a coin flip, just go with the girl you know better, you will be more likely to have a healthy start to a relationship.

  12. you should ask out the girl who you prefer to spend your time with.  who would you rather spend a day with?  

  13. who cares about athletic and what not.

    which one do you feel more attracted to?


  14. well they're both athletic, so that's good because then you'll have more in common and things to do.

    but i think you should go with the girl you feel most comfortable with.

    does the first girl who's in all of your classes flirt with other guys while you are and are not around?

    and the second one? since she's not in all of your classes, the distance of the different classes will have you thinking of what she's doing or thinking or whatever.

    but when you see her come out of class, you two will be more excited to see each other and appreciate more of each other's company not saying that you wouldn't like the company of the first girl either.

    however, the bottom line is is that you should go with whom you feel more connected and comfortable with.  

  15. well its kinda your decision to pick, you didn't tell us more about the girls personality wise , don't pick on whether there pretty or hot.  which ever ones personality you like then ask her out theres not much that we can tell you.  good luck

  16. younger onee!!!!!! but really its whoever you like better

  17. wow do you really think you should ask either one out. You could loose what you do have with them right now. Just because you are athletic doesn't mean that the girl you go out with has to be. think about it what if she has games that you cant be at. will that take time away from your time with her. Then there is the one who is not athletic would you like to have some one in the crowd cheering for you and that will be there to hang out with after the game. But if you are not sure don't put either girl through this, and then their is the one you have every class with, if things don't work out won't going to class be awkward ? Why don't you try to get to know them better. Sounds like your not sure and that is not fair to them either.

  18. ask  the one in your class go with her for a year then the other girl make sure you get lip action first

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