
I don't know why...and I know I'm too young...but...

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I really really really want a baby...with my boyfriend, but I know I'm to young. I need help. I can't say anything to may parents because um, surprize surprize I'm only 15...any advise?




  1. instead, get a pet that you and your boyfriend can baby instead. get a really cute puppy and pretend that is your baby. babies are expensive, from the hospital bill to the diapers and clothes. a dog, not so much.

  2. You already know that you're too young, so it's time to change your mindset.  I suggest thinking of the things you're doing now- getting your education, saving money, etc.- as "pre-parenting."  You're doing them so that your child, once conceived, will have a stable home.

    <3 Kelsey

  3. Don't be selfish. Think of the baby you want to bring into this world. It needs two stable parents, at least one of whom can bring home around $40-50k a year, and the mother needs to be free of obligations like school after the second trimester. Do you really think this is the best situation to bring a life to bear?

    Your body is going through changes. You must recognize this so you don't make a life-changing mistake.

    You should be talking to your parents the whole way, not pushing them aside.

  4. Srry 2 say but wait u have no idea wht ur gettin urself into ya sure u want a baby but ur still n school nd have a **** load of partyn 2 do i would wait u have all the time to have a baby but ur right u r to young

  5. look honey if u want  a baby go 4 it but if u really want a life full of regret of destroying ur future and y would u want a baby is it 2 make ur relationship stronger because if thats the case its not gonnna work trust me i know by personal experience juz stick 2 s*x....and always use protection....and i dont think u would want ur parents 2 look at there beautiful go an throw her life away juz cuz of sum baby  

  6. As someone who had a baby in her teens I tell you to reconsider! 15 is way to young to even be thinking about having a child.

    Try thinking about what you want to do with your life first and getting an education!

    A baby, isnt a toy, it isnt something you can give back when you have had enough etc. Its a full 24 hour commitment!

    Please dont think Im having a go at you by saying this but to even think about getting pregnant at your age to have a baby is selfish. YOU might want a baby for whatever reason, but you have to think about the child first, (support it etc).

    If you have this wonderful fantasy about how your life is going to be if you have this baby then think again! Its not like that at all!

    Those that have had babies young have coped because they have had to! You on the other hand have a choice!

    As much as those of us that had kids young can say we dont regret it, and that now we are older we are doing ok etc, that doesnt mean that we sometimes dont think about all the things we missed out on, or all the things we could have been or done with our lives. Sure, we can do them later but its not the same!

    Again, think about this child and what you can actually offer it at your age and try to be realistic. Dont just think about you, think about how this will effect this child (not being able to give it all you want because of no money, no support etc).

    I can guarntee you that your friends might think its all exciting at first and will promise to be there for you always! DOESNT happen!!! They will get sick of you bringing your baby everywhere, they will get sick of asking you to come out and u cant because you have a baby to take care of and eventually, you wont see those friends at all!

    Get a parttime job while you are at school, save every penny, then travel the world! See what it has to offer, you wont get the chance with a baby! You have plently of time after you finish school to consider being a mum! Do it when you can actually give your child excately what it needs!

  7. You are far too young to have a child.  Might want to find another hobby, or interest.  It is a selfish thing to want to have one at your age.  You cannot possibly offer a child everything it needs.  (you are still a child yourself)

    Having a baby is the hardest thing you will ever do.  After being pregnant for nine months, your body will change.  Hips widen out, stretch marks, weight gain.  Water retention (ewww the bloated feet, that was horrible)  After the baby, if it's a vaginal birth, you will be swollen "down there" from your v****a to your a**s.  It HURTS!  It took 6 weeks for the pain to become bearable for me.  Huge blod clots come out the days following birth.  Your b*****s become engorged, and can be quite painful.  All the time you have a little helpless baby that you have to care for.  

    It is something that is the most wonderful experience in the world, when you are at a stable place, and time in your life.....

    You'll have the cost of diapers, formula if you don't breast feed (which a newborn can do every 2 hours or more!) baby food, diaper cream, health care,

    what are you thinking!!  Go live your life...

  8. I know exactly what you mean! I have been with my boyfriend all through middle school and high school and now that I'm graduating this year I REALLY want a baby. I know that I'm too young and there is no way that I can support a baby right now, so I usually try to keep my mind off it. Maybe you could get a baby sitting job or volunteer at the hospital. They often have programs in the NICU where you can feed and hold babies. I hope this helps... and remember "Good things come to those who wait."

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