
I don't know why but I can't listen to what people are saying and I s***w up because of it....

by  |  earlier

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and it causes me to put myself down terribly for it. Which then makes me want to go away or die or something because I am so sick of letting others down and doing things wrong and people hating me for all these things. I can't do jobs right, I screwed up at work today and some of it I didn't do but this woman I work with who is from another country and so is my boss took something I said wrong and now the boss is mad because he thinks we lost business because of it. I did do one thing wrong but it was taken care of and almost no business was lost because of it. So yeah I screwed that up and I will admit that to him and stuff but I am beating myself up for this because I don't think he will believe my side cause that is his friend and like I said they are from another country and I think that he would go with her over me. I was supposed to have a really great weekend with lots of fun things to do but now I don't think I can enjoy it because I am beating myself up over this.

Why can't I listen to what people tell me to do? I have been like this my whole life and I try over and over again to listen but it dosen't work. Sometimes if I concentrate really hard on what they are saying I can listen but usually I can't concentrate on what they are saying. And I can never remember to do anything, I have always been that way. And I think that I am stupid because everybody (not just friends) agrees with me when I say that I am. Nobody EVER tells me that I am not stupid. What is wrong with me?

Sorry if this dosent make sense.




  1. You don't sound stupid.  It sounds like you have a busy mind.  Have you ever been checked for ADD?  Adults can have that too. Just a thought.  Don't beat yourself up.  The fact that you care shows that you are NOT a s***w up.

  2. My best guess after reading your question is that you my have Attention Defecit Disorder (ADD). If you can't focus, have trouble listening, tune out on a regular basis, and have no control over this you may actually have a medical issue. It's treatable.

    Take this quizz

    and discuss it with your doctor

  3. Take a deep breath.  Start slowing down and considering what you're going to say and do before you do it.

  4. It sounds like you may have a bit of a self-esteem problem. People do get over things you konw. What ever you did wrong can't be changed it is in the past so just move on from it. I would say learn from it but it seems as though you don't beleive you can. Maybe if you start having a little more faith in yourself things might start turning around for you.

    Knowone can help you but you. If you think your stupid of course everyone else will to.

    I have trouble remembering things to. I think my problem is the tragic things that have happened to me at such a young age has caused me to forget things.

    Anyway, sometimes I don't listen to people and can't help it because they are boring and I am not interested in listening to what they have to say.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Everyone is like this, I am like this as well. This is when you know you have your own style, you just haven't found the appropriate thing to apply your self to it. Don't beat your self up for things that are tangible.

  6. ADD attention deficit disorder

  7. you need to relax. everyone makes mistakes at work. maybe you should work with people from your native country girly! hahaha. the fact that you can't listen is because you are always thinking about other stuff that you want to do. stop thinking about having fun when you are at work, do it only on your break. and concentrate. it is called having a relationship with your co workers, that includes your boss. it is your work ethic. sounds like you are doing pretty bad with it. stop rolling your eyes or looking around in the room for something that catches your eyes, just focus on what your are told to do, and if you need to carry a little note pad and write down things right away before you forget so you can go back to double check what all you had to do. part of the problem is that no one ever gave you responsabilities at home so when you are told to take out the trash, do dishes, feed pets, do laundry fold and put it away, and vacuum and dust, you need a list for it. you don't see it as common sense to exercise basic skills, that is why it is good for parents to get involved with the house chores done by the kids and give you responsability. you might think that you had it good because you did not get to do all the things you should have done but you are actually worst off. you need to go back and do the basics. tell your friends to help you out because you have problems memorizing stuff, so tell them to make a list of things to say (repeat) right after they say it. try playing simon says online to expand your way of memorizing and when you notice yourself drifting away from waht you are supposed to do, write down what it is that you start thinking of, maybe you got some ADD problems? you need to not just sit there and worry about it but actually do something about it and help yourself. why do you not focus, exercise memorizing words. help around the house,and ask your parents or who ever you live with it you can get stuff from the store for them. write a list but avoid looking at it as much as possible. the key is to push yourself to remember what the list was, simple basic exercises. hope this kinda helps you and don't panic and want to kill yourself for it. find out what you are good at. don't your want to be someone important? don't you want to be a BOSS some day? then step it up, quit tellining yourself  you can't ! just do it and do your best at it. when you doubt yourself , it shows in your work results.  

  8. Next time you ask a question try to break up the paragraphs so it is easier to read.

    You have ADD and so do I it is very frustrationg go to your doctor and get a refferal to a phycologist who can get you the proper treatment

    don't feel bad you are doing the best you can

    I hope this helps

  9. Ah, I know that feeling.

    It's so frustrating to the point were I want to cry. No lie. It’s frustrating because you can’t help it.

    I was actually reading a book on this dyslexic kid growing up with no understanding of why he was unable to learn as fast as the other children. He would ask his mother why he was stupid and why he couldn’t read or write when his classmates could. I cried because the frustration that builds up explodes in you’re mind when you can’t get things right and the first thing people do is assume “stupid position” without knowing what you can’t figure out.

    Ugh, I cried because I know that feeling. I struggle when it comes to concentrating. Concentrating is not a choice for me. I listen, understand and then I forget. Sometimes I put full on attention in my look when speaking with someone yet, I don’t hear anything, it’s like there lips are moving and there’s a block, I’m not listening, but not intentionally. Frustrating

    There are times when I can concentrate but it varies, up and down.  I forget everything.

    I thought for a while that I was just hallucinating, that every one had this problem and I just didn’t have enough self discipline. I love to read and it’s really bother some when you notice two pages later you don’t know what you just read. It’s like UGH why. Because it’s hard to concentrate, comprehending what I read becomes difficult and almost impossible at times to the point were I say forget it, I give up.    

    Sometimes I feel okay

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