
I don't like fast food but the people that I do know claim to be addicted to it.?

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Is it possible to be addicted to fast food? Do they put something in the food to make people addicted?




  1. Some people are addicted to it because fast food restaurants have brainwashed millions of people with their advertisements.  Also, it's not only that their addicted to it, it's the fact that it takes a really short amount of time to get a meal and you don't even have to get out of the car.  Millions of people have become addicted to the concept of "Convenience."

  2. i think so .. me and a few friends were addicted to mcdonalds for a little bit

  3. yes they put something in the fast food to get people addicted to it. Its Monsodium glutamate or MSG. its hidden in different names. This is a very bad additive. This chemical is carcinogenic, cause people to gain weight, get migraines and many more health problems. This is used to enhance the flavor and cause your brain to crave more of it. they are doing this to get their customers buying their junk. Junk food really tastes lousy, so instead of needing to use quality ingredients, they use MSG to cover up the bad taste and get the people addicted to it.

    more about it at:

  4. No.  There really isn't anything in the food that is addictive.

    People just have no self-control.

  5. Fast food is like crack.

    You'll end up living on the streets like me because you spend all your money on fast greasy yummy food.

  6. I don't think there is anything added to make it addictive. I think a lot of people just like the food...but I keep away from it myself because it is very fattening.

  7. Is the extra finger due to not eating fast food? lol  

    Actually I think why people are addicted to is all of the salt, fat and preservatives, not to mention animals given growth hormones.

  8. It's addictictave because of what goes along with it. You meet your friends there have a nice time, plus now they have you thinking its safe.

  9. Yea I've heard that they do. It is believable.

  10. it is possible to be addicted to fast food, people get hooked on the fat and the flavours that are in the food..but as long as u eat what u think is right u should not try to judge ur friends for what they eat, or you could get them to try what u like to eat..?

    gud luck!

  11. OMG you are crazy! Have you even heard of it!? It is the fries that make it good! :) =]

  12. Yes, they do.

    I'm POSITIVE about it.

    It might not effect everyone, but there are chemicals in food that causes cravings to occur and for you to want to buy more.

    There has definitely been things in the news about addictive things in sodas and food, and them saying that there is.

    One of the best sources to go to is to watch Supersize Me

    They have a lot of statistics, including that one.

  13. uh, i doubt that they put aything IN it.

    but i can be addicting, just how comvienient it is. and of course everyone who eats fast food has their favorite place, where they go all the time. yeah, i guess it can be kinda addicting

  14. No, there's no way they're addicted to fast food.  It's bad for you--might taste good, it does but--it's that much more full of fatties and additives than greens.  Personally I try to stay away from fast food as much as I can--unless I'm really feeling lazy.

  15. No.

    They would get shut down if they did put any drugs in it.

    I eat fast food quite often and I am not 'addicted' to it.

  16. There are things that make people crave the food, yes.  Most fast food places use fried foods or things that have high calorie intake.  This raises your calorie intake and yes you'll be wanting a big mac or fries for the h**l of it.  This is a main reason americans are obese.  In the last years, most leading fast food chains have added healthy choices to their menu such as salads to apple dippers for the kids.  Watch your diet because your feel less stress, stay slim, and live longer.  I dont know about the added preservative myth included in fast food, but this is my interpretation of the fast food craze.

  17. They're just addicted to no cooking is all. Fast food is not really any good for you. To much fat content. I do have it once in a while when I'm out, but always end up with a tummy ache from it. :D

  18. Too Many People ARE Addicted....!!

    But, Nothing like Home Cooking....!!

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