
I don't like girl wrestling fans, am I weird?

by  |  earlier

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I only like:Hildy, Lee, Cassie, Hitman's Girl, Hannah Hardy, Triple M, Animal Luvr 4 Life. Atoyllah of Rock and Rollah, and Hurricane Helms (I think thats a girl)

Girls have ruined wrestling, agree?




  1. Well Some Girls Only Like To Watch WWE To Look At Cenas And Batistas @$$ But There Is Some Out There There That Really Enjoy The WWE For The Entertainment..

  2. No, I don't agree. What's your problem with girls being wrestling fans, huh?

    Me, I'm the reason for that? Well, get this- I'm not even into John Cena, kay?

  3. i like all kinds of girls, fans or not.

  4. Nothing wrong with girl wrestling fans.  Women who are into wrestling are cool.  

  5. No. Because those kids and teenager ruined everything. Mr McMahon brined  John Cena   in WrestleMania because of them. I wish Rated Rko  take John Cena and freaking DX life away for good.

    DX with there 2 words front of those kids, and John Cena putting his boxer up acting like a black person front of everyone. So sick

    WWE suck and TNA

    Batista and John Cena ruined WWE I hope Mr. McMahon loses his business

    Floyd could whoop Cena and Batista in no time  

  6. Not weird...but really sexist

  7. Wow...thats a little harsh...

    im a girl. i know everything about wrestling. i talk about it constantly. i know the moves...the terms and everything. i can name just about anyone from wrestling since the early 80s. I watch for the excitement...the wrestling...and everything it is.

    how did i ruin it???  

  8. yes u r weird and sexist.

    i totally love wrestling.

    why do u think girls have ruined wrestling???


  9. i dont think they have "runined" wrestling but hannah hardy is awesome

  10. Geez,it's people like you that are the reason we'll never have a woman president.I hate cena.It's not our fault the writers use him so much.Oh,btw I'm a woman too,so feel free to add me to your pathetic list.

  11. YES!!!!!!

    Yes you are there is nothing wrong with female wrestling fans

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