
I don't like hanging out with friends much?

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ok so i had LOT of friends at my old school i new everyone everyone new me. and i was one of those poeple who is friends with everyone and not ust one person i like it better. well i moved 2 months before school is out. i made a few friends then some stupid rumors went around and everyone hated me but one girl really. her group of friends like me but they are annoying i like her the best but not like a best friend cuz i feel like i would take her away from her best feiends cuz she likes me alot.

anyways at my old school and my new school i dont like hanging out with friends. i just like chillin at home with my siblings.

is that normal? i am almost 15 and gonna be a freshman.

i loved all my friends at school and hanging out with them there its just i didnt care for hanging out out side of school.

my mom thinks something is the matter with me for that.




  1. I'm the same age and do the same thing. It's not weird it's just fine. Trust me. I hang out with my friends like once or twice a month outside of school.  

  2. so wats the bid D

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