
I don't like models.................?

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I'm female and I don't like models- I think they look sl*tty and fake and they wear tons of makeup. They are also arrogant and conceited. Do you think most models are like that?




  1. No. i work in downtown Los Angeles, CA, right smack in the middle of the fashion district. i work for a pretty large fabric company. i encounter models all the time. I don't think that they are conceited and arrogant anymore than regular people. I strike up conversations with them all the time and i am not all that handsome either. don't judge a book buy it's cover....

  2. You can say that for just about every group of people... actresses, waitresses, nurses, cosmetics attendants, stewardesses, designers... even you.

  3. It's their job.. job that pays pretty well

    yea they're prolly aggorant off work as well

  4. yea! even if they arent like that when they start out, they definately become that after a while. I guess u cant put them all in one catagory tho, because they're all diferent people. i think ur right about most of them tho. u gotta feel bad for them too, tho cuz they become anorexic and all..... they get sucked into that whole modeling world, and they really cant get out once they're in...

  5. it depends not everyone is the same  

  6. No, all the ones I know are awesome people, very nice.

    I'm an aspiring lingerie model.

    coolest chicks in the world.

  7. it's bad to envy the heavenly creatures.

  8. Most usually are arrogant but you would be surprised quiet afew are also nice people. It's quiet easy for people to say bad things about them but imagine how the life is on their end. Alot of fake people,well off showy and to against this may end their contracts. So I imagine some are just pretending to be to keep the money coming in.  

  9. no i dont think models are like that.

    you shouldn't judge someone by the way they look, that makeup probably wasn't put on by them and maybe the picture was meant to look that?

    EDIT: also maybe the picture has been photoshopped after it was taken, making it look different to what it was originally.

    Anyway, its there job, there only doing something they like.

    im guessing the girl in the picture is a model, for the dress.

    I really dont think she looks S****y......

  10. they were trained to become as such.

    the arrogance makes their craft more sophisticated and classy. but i doubt if all of them are like that, check on wilma doesnt, she's a good ramp model but never arrogant and conceited..right?

    some "idiots" are placing too many thumbs down..nyahaha

  11. I spot a lot of insecurity from you. Looking S****y and looking fake with all their make up is their job. Do you even know any models? They are just like actors, so what makes you think you know them personally enough to judge whether or not they are arrogant and conceited. Why don't you worry about the way you look before judging other people.

  12. I don't know them...

  13. they make others feel bad about themselves and they're way to skinny that they don't look happy or healthy plus magazines and computers fix them so they don't even look flawed as they really are. they have no expression on their face and they seem really mean like have you seen American's Next Top Model? Tyra is a little rude mean whiny girl!

  14. I think some are, some seem way to skinny. The business pressures even the youngest models to look like they're 25. Some of the look aren't even worth buying. I don't see myself, or anyone around me wearing most things on the runway. To top it off, their makeup is a little cliche, and doesn't look like its done very well. Or, even realistically.  

  15. Not all models are S****y and fake. I've got a few friends who are models and they are very nice people. Modeling is just their job.

  16. the h**l i care about them models? they are doing that cheap job to entertain me and them people worldwide ok? Let them do their job and stop hatin!

  17. I've never met one so I don't know. How many models have you personally known to say they're all arrogant and conceited?

  18. yup...most but not all...i have a friend who was once a model but now she turned to an actress but still she's down to earth and i've seen her without make up and still she's beautiful...

  19. No. Some of them I don't mind at all.

    But let me tell you something....

    - I don't like people who don't like models.

    - I don't like people who think that anybody who is prettier, smarter, more popular, HAPPIER that them must be arrogant and conceited.

    - I don't like people who waste their lives judging other people's perceived flaws without first taking a hard look at their own dysfunction.

    Capische?? (oh, that is your name...he-he)

  20. As far as in the Philippines, yes not only all models but all celebrities in general are all fake and very conceded. The dudes are the worst. Never before have I've heard so many dudes to be so conceded. They even talk about themselves more than the g*y people do. In the U.S. there are some but not so obvious like the ones in the Philippines. It's so pathetic!

  21. We cant really generalize the whole 'Ramp and Commercial Model' population as fake. Like the rest, there are nice and there are naughty yields.

    I have this feeling that you are just envious of them since you dont have what they have. The way you have posted this inquiry, shows how arrogant, conceited and insecure you are.  

  22. I believe that the saying 'jealousy is a curse' probably applies here.

    Bh***sit has hit the nail accurately.

    How can you judge most models, the wowowee dancers and others when you probably haven't met any.

    To answer your question I don't think so.

  23. you dont have to like them but you dont have to say bad things about them

  24. I don't think that they're arrogant. It's the way they appear. They have to look confident and they have to look like they're living their dreams so that they can convince us to buy the products that they are promoting. This can easily be misinterpreted as arrogance. These companies want to give us a sense that their product has something "over-human" or superior about it, which is meant to entice us.

    I think we should differentiate between the person as a human and the super model we see on the cat walk or on magazines. They are very different people.


  26. No. i think you shoul let them be fake and wear loads of make up and be S****y.

    If you don't like them, that's fine.

    The arrogant and conceited thing isn't true for every model either.  

  27. Nope.. Most of them are nice, disciplined, smell good, trendy, and modern..

  28. oh yea. and some are really arrogant  

  29. Most of them do. I have friends who are models and they are nice and try to stay very natural but I had a relationship with a model and he was the biggest jerk on the planet. He thought he was the most handsome man on earth and he was always worried about partying and looking perfect. He was very dumb too. So yeah, most of them are obsessed with their looks and are very dumb but not all of them :)

  30. well, it depends on what kind of things they are modeling for... if they're modeling for food, they're not that bad...

  31. Runway models, yes i agree with you!!

    I am 13 and a model but only do commericals and some catalogs :D

    Its really fun for me and i love it because they dont pressure for me to be thinner :) (im 5'5 and 120pounds, a size 4 u.s)

    But i do agree about runway models, they think they are so much better because food is like so yesterday!

    Jeez go to Burger King!!! lol

    Forgive me for the little rant there :D!

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