
I don't like my life right now.. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I seem to be stuck in a really big rut right now.. Im only 18 but I am so bored and sick of everything! I have been done highschool for a year, and was supposed to go away to college this september but cancelled because I chose the wrong course. I just recently quit my job of three years because people there started being really mean to me, and I dont know why. Somewhere along the lines my friends decided they don't care about me anymore, because it's always me making plans with them.. They say yes, but EVERY freaking time they flake out on me which makes me feel even worse than if they said no right off the bat.

I feel so lonely and it doesn't help that I have basically nothing to do to fill my time. I cry alot. I'm also responsible for ruining the only relationship I do have, with my boyfriend.. Because I seem so depressed all the time. He thinks it's his fault, even though I tell him it really isn't... He won't believe me.

I just feel so alone right now..... How can I be more optimistic?....




  1. I think you should get some counselling or something, they can help you with ways of dealing with things.and help you not to be so down.

    Maybe if you do a walk or something everyday or do something so your mind isnt thinking about everything which may put you down.

    And my mates were the same, then i just got new ones that are actually friends and not people that say they are going to do something when they aint.maybe if u do go college then you can meet different people and maybe get to like them and plus going to college or something takes your mind off, of things.

  2. If you quit your job of three years because people seemed to start being mean or suddenly started to be, and your friends started dissing you, and your bf thinks your mood is due to him... I too think you might benefit from some counseling.  It sounds like you have depression going on mixed in with life transition challenges and maybe some coping skills that could use improvement.  A therapist could also help you figure out lifestyle changes you want to make and if you need medication.  If you have the means, give it some serious though.

  3. Maybe because you need to play with your boyfriend more if you know what I mean. Have a water gargling contest with him. Touch each other alot. Go swimming and shopping. If you don't have the money, hang out with your friends. Have a party at your house. These are all good things to do when your bored.

    Good luck with doing something happy and not boring. Be a little energetic.

  4. Not trying to judge, but by the way you're talking about yourself and your relationships, it seems like you have a low self-esteem. My sister has a problem like that. People like that tend to blame themselves.

    You need to work on the self-esteem first, I think. Find things that are good about yourself. If you notice something good that you did, reward yourself (like saying, hey, I did a good job, or whatever).

    Sometimes, we may want to work on our relationships first. But the work on you should come first, because you are a part of every relationship you make. Also, people will take advantage of low self-esteem people, leaving them, using them, or whatever. They may even try to make you feel guilty. Your friends may not be intentionally doing things like that. (Not making excuses for them). They may see, as far as they can tell, a person that doesn't mind them doing that. You may need to be assertive, too. If you practice that, your self-esteem might go up.

    Finding something you are good at is also a good idea. It doesn't matter if it makes you money, or anything. You could also try doing charity or something. Trying to do good things is a confidence booster. As an example, I write for my church bulletin. I don't know what your talent could be, but you should try to use it. It feels good to use your talent.

  5. Set a goal for your future that you are willing to do anything for and create a balance between that and your social life.

    Also try yoga as it will release endorphans while relaxing the body.

  6. I just crawled out of a similar rut. What I learned is that optimism is not a state of mind, it's a state of action. As long as you're inactive and unproductive you are going to feel any type of purpose and self worth. So set future goals and achieve them. Ambition and drive come as you strive towards your set goals. And also friends come and go. If your current friends take you for granted, then find new friends that treat you how you should be treated. And talk more with your boyfriend. Let him know how you have been feeling(being a man my self, we aren't good at hints and mind reading), and spend time with him to show that you care.

  7. Change your life into a happy one. You have tons of happiness and peace inside of you right now. You just need to learn how to feel it. See site below to do that. Or you can just be miserable your whole life if you want.

  8. You need more going on in your life, when we have nothing to do we start getting the feeling that we have no purpose that we are just here to rot, so I suggest that you go out and either get a new job or take classes on any subject that interest you but your not planning on taking when you get into college. Also try spending more time with your boyfriend.

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