
I don't like my moms boyfriend.?

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I do not like my moms boyfriend. I am 16 and my parents have been divorced for over 7 years. My mom remarried and got a divorce 2 years later. I don’t like my moms boyfriend they always argue, most people are able to tell if they like a person when they first meet and I don’t know why but I didn’t like this man. How do I tell my mom how I feel about him, he has his own children who have never even meet my mom. She wants me to give him a chance but he drinks and starts to act like a child, I generally just don’t like him and my mom wants me to get to know him better when I do not want to. I know I may sound stuck up but I don’t mean to but I would like some help in telling my mom how I feel and what I should say to make her understand how I feel.




  1. i know how you feel.My mom had one of those.Just pull her aside and tell her how you feel.She might not undertand right now  but in the long run she will.


  2. just be honest with your mother. just tell her what you think. and if she knows you dont like him and still dates him, you should know she must like him a lot, so doesnt that make it better?

    but having said that, you should also know that it is possible you just dont like him because he is someone different than you are used to. like you have a bias for anyone dating your mom.

    make it a good day

  3. Friend, it look like you have a lot of sense, tell your mother to take out for dinner and tell her what your felling about her boyfriend. I am sure that your mother will listen to you and consider your opinion about him. Do not keep it to yourself, your mother maybe haven't noticed what is your concern. Talk to her.

  4. Jean sounds as if you may even be concerned about how he may end up treating your mom.  All you can do is be honest with her.   She will either decide to listen and pay attention to what you have to say or she may ignore it at present.  But at least you have spoken your mind.  If you truly feel like you cannot give this guy a chance to get to know him then you better have some unselfish reasons ready or else people may start believing that you are just jealous and do not want your mom to have anyone in he life but you.  Remember that you are not always going to be there for mom, like you said you are 16 now and will probably be gone within the next 2 or 3 years if you go off to post secondary.  Mom does not want to end up alone and would like some companionship and as sick as it may sound a lover in her life also.  It may be necessary for you to sit down with them both and have a good open minded and mature conversation where you give them both your opinion on why you do not support their relationship nor like this fella.  You could tell them how their arguing upsets you and reminds you of past relationships and you do not want mom to have to live in that kind of environment.  They may not agree or may even resent some of the things that you say, but they should both admire you for having the balls to act so adult like and speak your mind so openly.  Best of luck.

  5. I know exactly what you are going through. My mother has been dating a guy who is twenty something years older than her for over a year now. Not only is it me that dislikes him, my whole family hates him. He is just a jerk. He tries to be funny, and then he will try to act like a father to me when he is not. It pisses me off. You want to know what gets me by? I, like you, only have two more years to put up with it and then I'm out. Try not to let it get to you in the mean time. You could try locking your door or staying with friends when he is over. That works for me.

  6. Well girl I don't like my dads girlfriend either ya one day I called him and she hung up on me !

    And they fuse all the time she is bipolar  and they just don't fuse they fight ! And I know its hard they will brake up eventually I mean my dad and his girlfriend get in fights and i mean fights!

    She is totally bipolar she busted his window out!

    If you need to talk email me i know i am sorry god bless you my email is

  7. Tell her that he is an emotional abuser and that she needs to get rid of him before it gets worse

  8. unless he has done something direct  to you like put his hand on you are say something out of the way to you you need to stay in a  child's place. you have only lived 16 years that  don't  make you a council i am sure you have  done things   in your own life that makes mom  upset

  9. KILL THAT *****

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