
I don't like my "friend" and she thinks I'm making her a scrapbook for her birthday. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. well, there's this person and she was my BESTEST friend.

then she ditched me.

i'm supposed to be making her a scrapbook for her birthday, but it says best friends on it.

i don't know what to do cos i don't want to give it to her, but she thinks we're still friends.

i'm so confuesed.

cos she just left me to be best friends with someone else and i'm like wtf?!




  1. communication is youre answer sit down tell her how u feel tell her how much it hurt u....

  2. Be honest with her tell her how she made you feel,when she ditched you,she doesn't sound like a "friend" to me,i would probably just ignore her and move on,since she ditched you in the first place,a true friend would not treat you like that.

  3. Nothing says you can't have just one best friend. She might still consider you as a bestest  but now she has another. I for one have 4 best friends I couldn't live with out either one of them they all came into my life at different times, I guess when god saw that I needed somebody. But just because yall don't do everything together don't mean she doesn't think of you as a best friend.  

  4. Just sit her down and tell her how you feel

  5. don't put anything in the scrapbook except for one page that only says :

    j/k lmfao

  6. Do not make a scrapbook for her. If she expects it, that's too bad. Never waste time catering to people who abuse you. If she dares to ask about it, reply, "I thought about it, and decided not to do it."

  7. Its her birthday, give it to her anyway.

  8. First of all if you have a problem with your "friend" - talk to her.  Tell her why you chose NOT to make her a scrapbook and tell her that her new friend can give her one if she really wants one.  But if you have a problem, deal with yourself, before others have a chance to tell her that you have a problem - deal with it head on instead of waiting till later when it will become a bigger issue.

  9. That's wrong of her to ditch you and still expect a scrap book. What a *****

    Tell her, 'Since we're no longer friends, I think it's best I don't make the scrapbook anymore.'

    If I were in your shoes though, I just wouldn't give it to her. If she asks, I would say, 'You ditched me you stupid girl. What makes you think I'll give you a scrapbook now?!'

  10. Make her the scrap book and stand in front of her as she looks through it smiling at you and saying awww that a lovely picture, do you remember we did that and this but then on the very last page have a photo of the friend she left you for and the words GO BACK TO HER COS I F-IN HATE YOU, just keep smiling at her as you look in to her eyes at the same time catching a glimpse of the very moment her heart breaks. Then laugh in an extremely evil fashion and skip away from her down the road and live happily ever after.

  11. Okay.

    You don't like her

    And she's a b*tch to you?

    But your still having doubts over whether to give her

    something with 'Best friends' on it?

    Okay i know i sound like a b*tch but i figured you need someone to tell you like that.

    There are loads more nice people out there for you.

  12. Make it anyway so you don't dissapoint her - but do a c**p job

  13. hmmm...

    If you plan on completely ditching her right back, then go ahead an be rude.

    If you want to salvage the friendship, then try to talk to her (just try to make it a nice one, without using the word "*****").

    Just let her know that you're upset about how little time she's been spending with you. Tell her that you wanted to make her the scrapbook, but now you don't feel right about giving her something that says 'best friends' on it, when you don't feel like you guys are anymore.

    Ask her if there is a reason that she's been spending less time with you. It might not necessarily be that she just ditched you for the other girl. Ask her if every thing is ok between you two, and if she says yes, it is all good and that she just wanted to spend more time with the other girl, then let her know that you'd like to spend more time with her as well. If you dont' mind spending time with the other girl, then suggest that the 3 of you hang out together.

    Also, try to be open to the idea that everyone doesn't need to only have one best friend.

    If she does continue to be rude, however, then don't feel guilty about not making her the scrapbook. You're better off finding new friends, and spending your life with people who treat you properly.

    Good luck!

  14. say byebye to your friend

    she isnt worth your time now

  15. i think you have some jelousy issues over her new "best friend"... just make her the d**n scrap know you 2 are friends, if you weren't you would have told her by now.

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