
I don't like or approve of g*y men. Do you think that makes me homophobic? Why/why not?

by  |  earlier

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However I DO like lesbians. I suspect most men do -- for obvious reasons! ;)




  1. No. The government is trying to make it sound like taht, but it isnt. I dont like g**s either.

  2. yeah it does... u like lesbians cause they turn u on but u discriminate g*y men so yeah u are homophobic

  3. gawd. guys are so sick. *shakes head sadly*

    homophobic means hating or being scared of gaiety. if you were homophobic, you wouldnt like lesbians.

    so no, your not homophobic, you just dont like g*y guys.

    whats wrong with g*y guys anyways? you should accept the way people are. they are just the same as lesbians.

  4. Yes you are homophobic. I also don't see why you like lesbians. You have absolutely no chance whatsoever of getting in on it.

    Oh and yes you discriminate against g*y men. The fact that you are fine with lesbians but not g*y men is discrimination.

  5. As long as you accept and tolerate g*y men, then I'd say no, it doesn't make you homophobic. It's okay if you don't particularly like them, as long as you don't discriminate or bash.  

  6. no but i think its really sad that you cant except a person that loves someone in their own s*x i bet you dont really know anything about g*y people so i just think youre ignorant

  7. u know what?! the g*y ppl don't care what u think! stop being a hater!

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