Ok, recently my political science teacher exposed the truth about the confclit of israel and west bank. And he showed us documentaries and proved that all american media is biased against west bank. He showed us a video of how israeli soldiers torturing ordinary citizens of palestine. And then also they took palestinians' land and have been constantly accusing them of terrorism. Come on, I have watched BBC version, in fact they portray the whole situation in diffirent light. Not only BBC, but any other european media doesn't portray biased images against palestine. Another thing is, like recently it was clearly georgian troops who started the fire first, they killed inocent people. If they didn't, they why refugees didn't flee to georgia? but instead they fled to russia? But still all US media portrays georgia as good and innocent nation. Why? We invaded iraq without any UN resolution or anything and we didn't give a **** what G8 countries had said to us. So expect russia to do whatever they want to do. And recently I have watched CNN on georgia-russian conflict, and their report was clearly biased as well. Why would make us belive something that is not true?