
I don't like school...?

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I am not a very social type of person. I do have a few friends but in general I don't do well with people don't know. I am a shy/nervous 17 year old guy.

I have never liked school ever since 5th grade. I get teased and made fun of a lot - even now in my senior year of high school I know people talk **** about me behind my back.

I can't stand this any longer. I have been suffering through too much **** already. It might be all in my head but I still suffer through this. I am always depressed and nervous at school but on breaks and weekends I feel great because I am alone and I feel comfortable.

I have been made fun of for being over weight, have body odor, having ptosis, and other things.

I have tried so many solutions but nothing seems to work greatly. I have tried losing weight and even lost about 40 pounds in like 1 year but I ams till over weight and deal with this issue. I have tried having better hygiene and I take two showers daily, brush my teeth twice, use deodorant/antiperspirant, cologne/body spray to look and smell nice but none of this is working as much as I hoped it would.

I don't know, I could just tell that no one really likes me and that no one really wants to be around me.

When it was summer break I felt great. No one could talk about me, make fun of me, criticize me, or anything. It was just me and 2 or 3 really good friends of mine.

I don't really like being alone but I prefer to be alone than with a bunch of people I don't know.

What can I do with my life? I tried just dealing with it and "not let it bother me" but that never works. It always does bother me. Truthfully, I have gone through some nights where I have cried because of how much I dislike my life and what I have to go through each day.

I know that dropping school would probably make my life a bit better because I wouldn't have to face the people who make my life horrible. But, I can't do that because I don't want to let my parents down.

What can I do?




  1. You can homeschool.

  2. Its your senior year, just get through it and get high school over with. But DON'T drop out. Remember, you don't need their approve. And the ones that win at high school tend to lose at life. Most of the upper tier of the social class in my school went on to become lobsterers and fishermen, after you get out you don't need to deal with these people.

    But keep up working out. Maybe try some out of school activities and classes to broaden your social life and interests. Pick up art, try some community volunteering, anything that will fill your time.  

  3. Stay in school.  Running away isn't the manly thing to do.  But if you must you can avoid people.  Who needs the when you have SCIENCE to make up for your short comings. bwhuahahaha

  4. I am a CCMA and  have a daughter that is in IS for mental issues

    See a shrink and get a note and you can be placed in Independent Study.. You will go to school once a week...I do not condone it and do not suggest it but if you have NO other choice you can drop out of school ONLY  If you are 17 and live in the state of California ..

  5. stop whining and get on with your life.

  6. columbi..... uhhh.... just try taking cold showers and fast a little bit more.

  7. You should learn to love yourself first before anything else dude. if you don't have the physical attributes, then at least you can overshadow it with your attitude or personality! you can do it!!! gow!

  8. Talk to your school counsler  

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