
I don't like your rules?

by  |  earlier

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If you are babysitting, and the child always says that they don't like your rules...what is a good comeback?




  1. "You are allowed to feel however you like, but you must do as you are told."

  2. if your in his house you have to enforce the house rules so say well tough there your parents rules you dont get to make new rules in the childs home

  3. You don't need to like them, just follow them.

    Hope I Helped!

  4. You don't have to like my rules. I'm trying to keep you safe.

    As long as your rules line up with what the parent (s) allows, then don't let it bother you. Kids like to test their boundaries.

  5. "it doesn't matter if you don't like my rules, it only matters that you're mommy likes them."

    And be forceful! They are not going to listen to you if you act defeated!

  6. "You don't have to like them, you just have to follow them."

  7. You can say my mother's favorite. Rules are not made to be liked, they are made to followed/obeyed.

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