I live with a roommate and her child (who is there 1/2 time). This is her first child and she is 42. Her father split from them but has custody of the 4 and 1/2 year old the other half of the time. The little girl has terrible habits and because of the lack of consistency between the two parenting styles, it is a recipe for disaster. At my house, the girl still uses a pacifier, falls asleep to movies every night in mommy's arms, eats terribly (she is very picky and eats only ice cream, ramen, spagettios, pbj, waffles, etc. and WILL NOT try anything else without being force fed), she is overweight and is being tested for sleep apnea and worst of all, when she does not get her way, yells "I do not love you! You're a baby!"
I have talked to the little girl about how saying that can be hurtful to other people, to express how you feel by using words like angry, hurt, tired, hungry, and not saying that. But without backup from her mother, which I had for about 2 days, we are back at it. I love kids but I don't love this one. I understand her plight but in my opinion, she's not a good kid, and her mom is not a good mom, although she is a very sweet and loving person. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't know what else to do. I can't take over her parenting responsibilities and whenever I try to make changes, I have mommy and baby against me. Not to mention her self-centered father.
Do I put in more effort or do I just accept that I live with a child with poor manners and that I can only influence her life but not change it? Thoughts?