
I don't mean to be silly,but the woman next door said that SHE saw Princess Diana on the stairs!Opinions?

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I don't mean to be silly,but the woman next door said that SHE saw Princess Diana on the stairs!Opinions?




  1. Is your neighbor a drinker, maybe?

  2. Does this woman consider herself a psychic?

    Or,perhaps the woman she saw looks a lot like Diana.Or,was she under the influence of anything intoxicating?

  3. Was Diana with Elvis?

  4. Do you live next door to a home for the Mentally Challenged?

  5. You know, I've searched the Internet and cannot find a "Princess Diana" that makes sense! perhaps there was not such person .. I can find a Lady Diana, Princess of Wales who died about ten years ago, is that who you mean? If so, she's dead, get over it .. she was a loose, childish, self centred, egoistic, scheming little vixen

  6. tell your neighbor the next time she sees Princess Diana to invite her in for tea and to call you so you can join them...

  7. Why would she be on her stairs in the first place of all people?

  8. If your neighbour just saw her lately, I would think about moving.

  9. There could be a few explanations, none of which involve Princess Diana actually being on the stairs. lol

    Your neighbour might take drugs. She might be schizophrenic, or have some other type of mental illness that would make her imagine things. Or, she may just be making it up to try to get attention. I guess the final possibility is that she saw someone who looked like Princess Di on the stairs, and genuinely believed it was her.

  10. She probably saw a ghost.  Princess Diana is dead.

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