
I don't no what to do with my cockatiel?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have had my cockatiel for about a year and i just love him to death! I spend all my free time with him which is more than a hour a day, but all i want to know is should i get him a friend for when school starts. i'm going to be a freshman so i know i won't have as much time to spend with him because of sports, homework, and friends so that would be more then 9 hours a day and i just feel so bad leaving him all alone all day. But I still want to have a good relationship with him. So what would best for the bird?




  1. If the bird you have now is very comfortable being handled, I would get another cockatiel. Get a baby from a breeder that works with the birds everyday, one that isn't afraid of people. The second bird you get will follow the other bird's lead, so if the bird you have now is a bit skittish the other bird will end up that way too. It is not impossible to have 2 very friendly birds! If your bird is friendly, get a baby and you'll have twice the fun!

  2. i'm going to b a freshman this year, too. and we basically have the same situation, except my mom is a vet. she says the best partner for a cockatiel is another cockatiel of the opposite s*x.

  3. If he has a bird pal, he will depend on the bird instead of you... If you keep him dependent on you, he will always like you... If you are worried about him getting lonely, play the radio in the room, set your alarm clock to go off at a certain time, so it doesn't play all day... he will be used to human sounds instead of birdie sounds...

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