
I don't now what kind of things to do in high school?

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I love doing sports and other actives but i don't now what to choose to do after school. there is to many choices. i love doing sports like soccer, flag football, vollyball, basketball, tenis(these sports are at school which i want to do but don't now which ones to do). and the actives i really want to do and help with are volunting and othe little things tht i plan to do. i just need help choosing which ones to do??????help me????




  1. Well, I personally like soccer. Try to choose one sport you could be devoted to after school and not get bored of. You can also choose more than one. I have known people in my school who were in cheerleading, soccer, tennis, and a lot of academic clubs as well. Just make sure whatever you choose you have the time for, maybe find out all the times the extracurricular activities take place and make a few possible schedules of each sport, that way you know whether you have to time to do everything  :)  Good luck!

  2. which sport challeges your mind the most?

    which sport feeds your inner-child the most?

    which sport gives you the most FUN?

    which sport causes you to sleep the best?

    which sport meets your requirements to either play an individual sport or play with a TEAM?

    Answer those 5 questions and you'll know which one you want to get involved with.

    Then, be the best you CAN be! I know you will

  3. you know what its kind of cool to be in sports i aqually play basketball and i would like it to be my career but choice is were you heart is.find which one you love doing the most and the one you perform the best in.have fun in what ever you choose.chao!

  4. You don't have to choose one you can do them all you just have to know how to mange your time between the diffrent practices and school work because you don't want your school work to drop.I personally am involved in cheerleading ,volleyball,softball,and my schools jrotcc riffle team. But you can also alternate between do to your freshman year and do 2 diffrent ones your sophomore year and so on .I personally am going into my sophomore year and add two more activities because i was getting bored a only able doing two things during the school year.But your senior year is coming up really soon.Sooner than you think and on your Senior jacket you don't want to only have one patch so I think you should do a bunch of diffrent sports. That is if you think that you can handle the work load of practices and school work and if you can then I say go for it. But do what you think is best for you no matter what anyone on here tells you do what you want to do and that is the best advice that i can give you .Good luck in what ever it is that you choose.


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