
I don't really understand Kevin Rudd?

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As a 10 year old child, I just got to know about the history of the Aborigines -

My question: why after such a LONG TIME, the white people apologise to the natives?

Does that mean that THE WHITES are TERRORISTS? For all the injustice caused over TWO CENTURIES of white settlement?




  1. Do you understand what a troll is?

  2. I guess that would depend upon what side of the fence you happen to be sitting on and from my point of view  I didn't vote for Rudd and I certainly do not approve of the apology.  I am sick of living in a country where you are made to feel you should be sorry for something that when investigated properly was done for good reason.  If anyone has ever had to travel to outback Australia and see first hand just how things really are then their opinion of just how sorry the average Aussie should be may change quickly.  How can you help those who will not help themselves.  You cant you can only try, but they will still keep on doing all the things they have always done.

  3. the apology was for the aboriginal stolen generation children, who were taken away from their parents and given to white families.

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