
I don't smoke, so why do I dream about it?

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I keep having these dreams where I'm standing in a room alone and I'm smoking a cigarette. It feels like I'm actually smoking it for real. I don't smoke, never smoked, and don't even like the habit. I keep noticing that I have these dreams when I'm at my peak stress point...but is it stress related at all?




  1. Yes, it is directly related to your stress. Dreaming about smoke indicates circulation/blood pressure issues, especially the type caused by stress and anxiety.

    So it is natural to dream about smoke when you are stressed. Your mind is reacting to the body's physical state and sending you a message.

    There are other messages that should not be ignored.

    One, smoking a cigarette might suggest anxiety over an issue of self-discipline. You might want to think about your own role in these issues. Are you stressed because you feel bad about not doing something, or because you did something because you "couldn't help it?"

    Being alone in a dream means either you feel isolated, or you might feel like you need to do something only you can do. Since the dream has a negative connotation, it is more likely to mean you feel like you've been left in the lurch, or that you will be.

    Is there anything you could have done that would make you feel someone would do that?

    You also said you were in a room. What kind of room? Where is it? If it's a living room, it might indicate the problem is with a family member. If it's a bathroom, it might mean there is something you need to tell someone, or that you should let go of something instead of dwelling on it. If it's a bedroom, it might mean you need to do some thinking about where you really are on the issue, or what you want. What room in your house is it like? What place does the room bring to mind?

    Don't be too hard on yourself about it, though ... trivial things, or things that fall through the cracks because you're busy and can't do everything, or just simple mistakes anyone can make all go through the same filter. But if there's any way to learn something you can do from them to make life better, it's a no-brainer to try!

  2. Smoking calms me down when I'm stressed... so maybe in your dreams its calming you down too, even if you don't do it.

  3. idk thats crazy.maybe you just subconsciously think that would relieve stress or it looks like it would.dont smoke though you'll regret starting.i definitely do

  4. could be stress related  but you could consider this:


    To dream that you are smoking, indicates that you are trying to shield yourself and others against your emotions. You have trouble letting others in."

    got this from dream moods . com (it wont let me put that in the source box =/)

  5. oohh my dear do'nt you ever smoke .. its bad to health.. dream to be millionaire.. and try to achieve it .. better for you..

  6. Maybe you should just give up and smoke already.

  7. maybe someone in your family smokes when there stressed?

    thats possible to dream what you see happening around you.

  8. Yes, it could be about stress.  Smoking in dreams is often about a situation you can't see clearly.  Some puns to reflect on: "smokescreen", "smoke gets in your eyes".  It could even also be that even though you don't smoke, and you know it's bad for you, smoking is associated with someone trying to relax.  That you're all alone in the the room could be that's how you feel in the situation, or could be that you just plain need to get away for awhile, be to yourself to reflect..... Whenever you have this dream, try writing it down, and then make a journal entry for what has been going on in your life for a few days before that.  When you have several of them together you can start to look for patterns.  It could be about a reoccurring problem in your life that you need to resolve, or could be about the way you react to problems in general, if you notice a pattern there, you can work to change it.  Good luck....

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