
I don't think I want to be a vegetarian any more...?

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I've been a vegetarian now for over three years (since I was 13) but recently I've been having meat cravings and I've been thinking about going back to eating meat again, but then I think "No! I haven't eaten meat for so long, I just can't!"

Like recently I've been having cravings for a McDonald's Big Mac and chicken.

Help, I don't know if I should eat it or not!




  1. Well, I have been reading reports that vegans are lacking in a few nutrients that are essential for the body to function well.  I'm trying to think of what they were and where I read it.  Sorry, I am old!! Anyway, I believe that your body craves things that it needs, so maybe that is why you are having cravings.  If you take supplements, make sure you are getting adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. Supplying what is required may help you stay on the vegan program.  However, it is my opinion that fish and eggs are so nutrient rich that everyone should eat them, too.

  2. Eat what you want.

  3. Well go out to a steak house, and order the  biggest steak they have.

  4. It's really up to you.  If you feel confident, go ahead.  If you're unsure, don't.

  5. You have a craving. Craving meat= craving for more protein. Try meat alternatives. I think it may be a protein issue. . Veggie burgers, beans, nuts, tofu & soya milk are great sources of protein. If you have enough variety in your diet, you won't get bored of your food. Make food look exciting and tasty.

    Here is the Vegetarian Society's Recipe Index:

    Of course, it is ultimately your decision.

    Best wishes.

  6. You should do what you feal is right. But if your craveing meat, your body probably needs some protein, so if your unsure just eat some high protein food for a while and see if the craveings go away

  7. You will have to decide for yourself. You shouldn't have to ask other people's opinions because ultimately this is only going to affect you and not anyone else on here. So you need to just think about the reasons why you initially went veg and decide weather or not those reasons are right.

    Before when I had just turned vegetarian, I would still sometimes still crave meat. Then if I ever forgot why I turned vegetarian in the first place, I'd watch meet your meat or parts of earthlings to quickly remind me. I'm vegan now and I don't find anything of that sort appetizing anymore.

  8. i cant make your choices for you, nor can anyone on here. what i can tell you is the veg lifestyle is not for everyone, but it is healthier. you can eat meat and still be healthy. it is totally up to you

  9. You live only so long, so enjoy your life!

    As long you are eating a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables, occasional indulgence will not hurt.

    It hurts you more about thinking about some you are not eating(missing) rather than eating it!

  10. its your choice whether  you go back  to eating meat, but  your cravings  could  be  caused by lack of protein that meats have in them and the craving is a way of your body telling you that your missing something....


  12. I know some vegetarians and they are not very healthy. Vegetarians are always buying tofu and processed food that is supposed to taste like meat. Maybe thats because the human body needs meat. Duh!!! Go eat some meat and get on with your life. The animal has been killed. At least if you eat it, you know that piece of meat didnt spoil on the shelf and the animal didnt die for nothing. Sheehs....vegetarians.

  13. only you can answer that....vegetarians will say stay veggie, omnivores will say go back to meat

    only you truly know what you want to do

    there is no downside about eating moderation and from an organic source

    but again its entirely up to you

  14. Try Burger King's veggie burger. Or buy vegetarian versions of a burger or chicken patty. You may also want to take a vitamin B12 supplement. Your decision to become a vegetarian was compassionate and humane. I applaud you for coming this far!

  15. Only piece of advice I have for you is if you do choose to go back to eating meat, do it slowly, because I have a friend who was a vegetarian, she ate some meat and her body was not ready for it and she got pretty sick for a while.

    I've watched some of those Discovery Channel shows about ancient man, and it seems that our brains started developing to an advanced level after "man" started eating meat... Something to ponder...

  16. Well it's your choice...and you need to make it on your own.

    If you are craving the taste then look into meat alternatives?

    Perhaps you are not getting a balanced diet? Maybe go to the doctor to check you don't have an iron deficiency or something similar. This may be causing your cravings and could be fixed by eating more iron rich veggies or a supplement..

    You also need to look into the reason you became a vegetarian and see what they tell you... was it to fight animal cruelty, help the environment, be healthier?

    Good luck to you and I hope you can make a decision you feel is right.

  17. You're at a very important stage of your physical, mental and sexual development....eating fish and or meat again would be the best thing you could do.

    You have to decide for yourself but I hate to see a young man hurt himself in such a senseless way.

    Don't listen to me or anyone else here. Go on ACADEMIC web sites and do the research.

    Just one note if you will, your body and p***s are still growing, if you want them to reach their full potential, eat meat.

  18. If you are going to back, at least eat something better than McDonalds.  Go out for a descent burger or a nice steak.

  19. You've been a vegetarian for three years and just now you are having cravings for meat? I had cravings for meat in my first year of being a vegetarian! Are you sure you didn't have cravings before this? I am sure you did, but you had the will power and commitment to get past the earlier cravings. I have been vegan for 5 years (2 years prior as a vegetarian) and I still have cravings for meat. I know now that I will never go back to meat (at least not factory/commercially produced meat)!

    Your cravings for McDonald's Big Mac makes me think you are caving in to peer pressure to fit in with a crowd that thinks fast food is OK (the three big fast food companies are not concerned with your body and how to fuel it! they want you just to spend your money on their products, and they also have snuck some food additives that will make you crave their products). If you want to eat meat, at least make it nourishing by eating organic meat, and cooked thoroughly.

    I usually give myself a week to get over cravings, and it does pass, and I am not feeling guilty by giving in to the desires that goes against my logical reasoning in my mind: I do not wish to participate in the suffering of animals just for my misguided notion of taste in foods.

  20. Have you ever tried Burger King's veggie burger? It's good for fast food. Might help with your fast food cravings (and without the mayo, it's SO much healthier than the meat options). But, really, why would you want to eat that fast food c**p anyway? God only knows where that meat is coming from...ick. Purchasing some high-quality organic meats from your grocery store would be a much better option.

    There are so many vegetarian options (don't know where you live) at the grocery store. There are "chicken" patties, "ribs," etc. from labels like Boca, Morning Star, and Quorn. Ever tried seitan (White Wave makes it)? But, you can also make it yourself if you've got the time. GREAT source of protein.

    There are tons of great fake meat products out there, I don't get why anyone wouldn't be satisfied with those products if they get a "meat craving."

  21. Whenever I get cravings for something....mainly veggies...I know my body needs them.  The choice to go back to eating some meats is entirely up to you.  If you go to McDonalds, try some chicken first.  That will be less of a shock to your system.  Always try to eat lean meats.

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