
I don't think Tim Horton's deserves tips...?

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Workers at Tim Horton's expect tips. And most people do leave them a tip. But why?? Do you tip the people that make your sub at Subway? Burger King? McDonalds? No, no one does! But the person making your sub does a lot more then someone pouring a cup of coffee. And the service at Tim Hortons is horrible 95% of the time!

So, where do these people get off expecting a tip? A tip should be for someone who makes under minimum wage like a bartender or someone like a waitress who at hand and serving you the whole time your butt is in their restaurant.




  1. The service at my local Timmy's is great (Nanaimo).  The couple of others in town aren't as good though.  But I would not say it's horrible 95% of the time at all. If you don't like it there, stop going.

    They don't expect tips here, and I have never seen anyone get one, come to think of it.

  2. I never used to tip at Timmys, until I got a job there a couple years back. You have no idea what these girls have to deal with. Do you know how irate people can be when they don't get their coffee on time? Bad coffee cannot be blamed on the girls. It is pre-packaged, portion controlled for one pot. Same goes for sugar and cream. They are in a dispenser, with certain buttons for each size by teaspoon. Also, some people do not know the coffee "lingo" when ordering, and say the wrong thing. IE: one cream/one sugar = regular. Plus slow service can be blamed on the cars in front of you, who use the drive through to order twenty things, changing their mind, so you have to erase their entire order and start over again. Or those people who want you to list every donut there is on the shelves and still cannot make up their mind. The girls put up with alot of abuse from rude customers who treat you like dirt. Just because you work in the service industry, doe not mean you are a servant. So if I buy a $1.45 large coffee, I don't see the big deal in leaving 25 cents or so. It adds up after a while. They split the tips based on hours worked and that extra ten bucks can help out alot. I do the same at fast food places. I keep in mind not everyone can have a decent paying job like mine, and I think they deserve better than the minimum wage they get to put up with bitchy, unappreciative customers!

  3. I totally agree. I've had terrible coffee from Tim's more than I had good ones. They always take too long, or get the order wrong, or just make really crappy coffee. I could make better coffee at home with a coffee maker and store bought coffee. My husband ALWAYS gives people at Tim's a tip and I always ask him why. They don't do much of anything, and the coffee is bad no matter what time of day you get it. He says it's just how they do it. I told him, well if you tip at Tim's do you tip at Starbucks? He said no, because coffee is 3 dollars there, and I said, at least they make it better because they actually have to measure what goes in. Then I asked if he'd tip someone at Mcdonald's, he said no again. Like you, I see no point in tipping at Tim's. It's not a restaurant, just a chain. Plus my husband gets coffee from Tim's about 3 or 4 times a day, think how much money he's wasting in tipping for poor service.

  4. Wow. Lady above me said it d**n straight! :)

  5. I've never tipped anyone at Tim Hortons - nobody does.  At least where I live.  If I have extra change I don't want I chuck it in their CampsKidz boxes or whatever.  But I've never tipped a Timmy Ho's waiter.  I'm kind of a terrible consumer.  The only time I tip is at real restaurants.  I don't tip baristas at coffee shops (unless they are magnifecent Sally-Server and I'm amazed at their service), I don't tip at fast food joints.  I'm a cheap-o student.

  6. It's not an unreal expectation to want a tip when every other place in hospitality expects and generally gets one.

    I can't say I tipped on my two trips there to Canada though...

    The service isn't all bad, I found it to be generally polite except when you got a haughty French speaker (one guess as to where I was!) or when the staff member didn't have a good command of English and had issues understanding my Aussie accent!

    I do miss drive through coffee though :)

  7. hmm, I've never tipped anyone at Tims, and nobody working there ever expected or accepted one that I;ve seen. And I go to Tims alot.

    (In Newfoundland)

    I don't see why they wouldn't deserve one though, the service is always good, and sometimes they give you a free timbit when you smile alot. The employees are so nice. But some of the old ladies are way to slow which gets a little annoying.


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