
I don't think grandma needs to put her input in?

by Guest34352  |  earlier

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My elder sister, Nicolette is FINALLY pregnant with triplets.

[IVF concieved.]

2 girls & 1 boy.

She loves interesting names and is currently 31weeks, is expecting them not too far away!

She finally made her mind up on the names:

Cairo Jet Mitchell - Boy.

Sienna Aimee &

Blaire Lilah.

Our mother was like "You must be kidding, they are terrible."

I personablly think this is something my mother really should have kept to herself.

What do you think?

& DO you like the names?




  1. Very cute names, Your mother was just thrown by the names because she probably hasn't heard them before. It really doesn't matter if the names are her taste or not! She will grow to love them eventually! I would not even bring it up to her again ! If Mom brings it up again your sister should just matter-of-factly state that she has already made her decision and that is that!

  2. I think the names are cute and it's not your mother's place to say that (esp considering what your sister had to go through to conceive her babies).

  3. Yeah I like those names. It her and husband choice to name their children. Your mother should kept it to herself. It her grandchildren yes. But still it the parents choice to name their children not grandma.

  4. Your mother is just trying to help.  Being that this is a very emotional time for your sister who has been trying so hard to conceive I'm sure your mother only wants to make sure she isn't make a bad decision because she isn't thinking clearly.

    Personally I think the names aren't that great, either.  Cairo is a place.  Sienna is a color.  Blaire is fine but only makes me think of the character from Facts of Life.

    I don't think it was out of line for your mother to offer her input, though she definitely could have phrased it with more tact.  I doubt she said it out of malice, she is just thinking of the future of her grandchildren.

  5. Your mother probably should have kept that comment to herself.

    I'm not particularly fond of the names.

  6. I like the names.  I would tell your sister to ignore your mother completely-Mothers always have to put their 2 cents in.  Names are very different now and your mom was probably looking for a Joshua, Sarah, and Rachel or something.  Babies grow into their names (no matter what it is) and after a while you won't be able to imagine those babies as anything but Cairo, Sienna, & Blaire- and neither will your mother!  Congrats to your sister!

  7. Tell her they are not as bad as the following, that my sister used. Stanley, Trina, Patrice, Ultan, Royce, name a few..she is going on #10..This one will be Violet or Vincent, I am hoping it's a boy so I can teach my kids to say "HEy, there's my cousin Vinny!"

  8. I like the Sienna Aimee, but I'm not to keen on the other two. But it's not like they're some weird made up names. I think your mother should have kept it to herself. My husband and I came up with lots of "regular" names and our friends and family kept telling us they didn't like them. There was nothing I hated more than picking out a name I really liked and having the entire family frown upon it. After that, my husband stopped telling them our ideas and surprised everyone with the name after the birth of daughter.  

  9. i dont know how u pronounce cairo or blaire???

    but sienna is lovely its on my list of baby girls names

    for my tiny growing baby ( 6 weeks )

    i think she is intitled to her opinion since she is your & your sisters mother but she could have put it more suttle...

    since ur name is olivia its a very gentle girly classic name she prob isnt fond of interesting names!

    remember ur mother is from a different generation!


    congratulations aunty olivia hehe!

  10. i think you just have to take it like a grain of salt!~...nobody liked our daughters name when i told them, but now they love it and thinks it's perfect!!!'s a price you pay when you tell ppl your names i guess!hehe!!....but I LOVE all of her names, i think they're great, and i love that they are so uncommon, and not too overused!!!~...tell her to do what she wants and don't worry about ppl liking them, after they're born, your mom won't be able to picture them as anything else!!!! you can't make everyone happy, and she got to name her own kids!!!~~

  11. well your mother was probably comparing them to more common names, but personally, i love all three.

  12. I think shes rude! Its the mother and fathers decision. Shes the one thats been carrying them for nine months. Personally I think they are beautiful! I like names that aren't so common too!

  13. I don't like the names.  And while it is your sisters choice, the grandma does have a *right* to give her opinion..esp. if that opinion has been inferred as being asked for...

    The response could have (and should have) been phrased nicer.  

    In fact the grandma's response may come in handy to prepare the kids for any negative teasing they may be faced with at school, etc..

    Cairo Jet....Cairo brings to mind heat and dirt and camels...

    Sienna is okay, just not my style

    Blaire Lilah..both names are good, but there are too many L's in the combo so it doesn't flow smoothly.

  14. Those names are adorable.  Its not your mother's choice as to what your sister and her husband name their children, it is their decision.  She can have her opionion about them, however, What she said was a little harsh, and if she didn't like them, she should have said it in a nicer way.  I love them.  

  15. I think that it's okay for a mom to put in her input. LOL!!! Regardless of what you name a child someone will have something to say about it.I also think that Grandma should be happy she is pregnant and not worry so much about the names....My Neice's name is Justice and at first I was iffy about it but I ended up liking it. So much infact that when my sister in law told me she was naming her Melody, I said but I really like Justice now. She changed it back. My mother hated the name but now we can't imagine calling her any thing else

    Part two: Not so fond of Cairo Jet<<I'd pick something like Saber or Ryu>> I like Sienna Aimee~ it's cute and girly. I love love love Blaire Lilah

  16. Your mom has a right to her opinion

    But should not sway your sisters decision

    Your mom will not love them any less cause she dont like the names

    To tell you the truth

    I am not keen on Blaire

    Sienna Aimee

    is cute and pretty

    Cairo Jet Mitchell is ok , but not a name I would choose , though I love the name Mitchell

    At the end of the day they are your sisters babies , so the final choice is hers


  17. i think it is completly up2 the parents on what to call their kids btw i like those names

  18. if the mother thinks they are worthy names and hasn't just decided on a whim, then yes, i think they are perfect names. perhaps your mother was joking, if not i think that perhaps if it has upset your sister that one of you should tell her exactly what she has done. your mother must respect the choices made by your sister.

  19. Sienna Aimee is absolutely beautiful.

    Blaire Lilah is really cute.

    First time I heard Cairo and I looked at it and though awful but now I've thought about it, I like it. Cairo Jet Mitchell it's actually really nice.

  20. The names are horrible!  Especially Cairo Jet.  The real problem problem is no one will ever be able to spell them!  Having said that, those are  her b abies and she can name them as she choses!!!!

  21. You know, unfortunately, the best thing your sister could have done is keep the name ideas to herself.  This is the main reason that my husband and I haven't told ANYONE of our name ideas.  We don't want anyone's input or anyone trying to change our minds.  When people insist on knowing, we give them a fake name we're "thinking" of.  That way they are satisfied with thinking they know what your ideas are.  We just make sure to tell them that we're not set on it, as we don't want people buying things personalized with the fake name!

    It's not right for your mom to have said that, but that's what moms will do.  Just let your sister know that whatever names they choose, there are going to be people that don't like it.  That's just the way of the world!  Just tell her to be confident in her decision and don't let anyone else sway her true feelings about it.

    Maybe she could tell your mom that she's not entirely set on the names and they want it to be a surprise!  That's what she should say to everyone from now on.  Who cares who likes the names or not.  She will know when the name is right and she should stick to it!!

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