
I don't think i can become a vegatrian because of food allergies?

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I am allergic to soy and anything with citric acid. Also most fruit makes me break out. I am allergic to artichokes and i hate hate hate chick peas and lentlis. What is there left for me to eat




  1. I have been a pescatarian for a year until about a week ago.  Now I am a vegan.  I don't eat artichokes, chick peas, or lentils...So don't worry.  I do eat a lot of fruit, but I wouldn't really have to if I couldn't.

    I eat a lot of vegetable protein in the form of fake meat and I just use that to replace meat in the same recipes I always ate.  For instance I just ate a bowl of vegan chili with corn cake.  The liquid ingredient in the corn cake is creamed corn.  

    We also eat mac and soy cheese, sloppy joes, and soy cheese pizza.  That is just a few of the things we eat.  There is endless variations with stir fries and salads.

    You can become a vegetarian if you want to.  You just have to be careful.  Look at different vegetarian websites to find recipes that you would want to eat.

    A vegetarian diet is cheaper, better for the environment, better for your health and no animals will have to die for you.

    Good luck and don't give up.

  2. sounds like bologna to me

  3. If you want to be vegetarian i recomend morning star farms products they make like immatation chicken pattys,hamburgers etc. but honestly from what your allergic to and what you do not like to eat, i dont think being vegetarian is a good thing for you

  4. > Lactose intolerant

    As a human being, you are supposed to be Lactose Intolerant.  So, no worries there.

    Read my answer here for more info:;...

    The real question you should ask is, "Why do I have all these weird allergies??"

    Correct?  Why?

    First I tell you:  my ex, she for all her life had the same problem with melons.  Her lips and surrounding face would break out.  Was really too bad because she LOVES melons.  Sometimes she would eat them anyway and suffer the consequences.  When I heard this, I recommended that she try an organic melon.  Well, she did... she waited... nothing... usually an instant reaction... ate more and more... nothing -- guess what, she was 'cured'!  Yes, the chemicals ON the melons and fruit cause this.  This is why it only happens around your mouth and you do not break out all over your entire body.

    Same thing with my daughter.  Eggplant.  Non-organic = instant reaction and break out all around her mouth.  Organic = nothing at all.

    > tofu or boco burgers because it is soy.

    Again, so many others eat it without a problem, so why you?

    > apples, nectarian, peaches,

    > plums make my lips break out.

    If you haven't tried organic, please try.

    If you have and have the same reaction, you still must look into the underlying problem -- which is, why?  Don't just go ahead and avoid these foods... you must find out why?

    Usually allergies can be attributed to children and infants being fed things they are not supposed to be eating... things their young bodies cannot digest and will react to and try to get rid of.  Often, they are reacting to the natural or unnatural chemicals/poisons on or in the food, but unfortunately sometimes the actual food itself is kept in "memory" by the body, not just the chemicals.

    When the body becomes older and is now able to easily digest such foods, it's too late,  because they body has already learnt that certain things are 'bad' and continues to react to them.  If this is the case, and even organic food triggers the same reaction, you must somehow teach your body to not react to these foods anymore.  I honestly have never tried this or heard of anyone doing this, but I'm sure there's a way to do it.  I do know that airborne allergies to that of pollen can be reversed.  I've done it to myself.  So, I believe that food allergies can also be gotten rid of.  What I did with my pollen allergies was to, first, not avoid pollen.  Second, was to eat healthier around pollen season.  Wash eyes and nose frequently with water.  But also, during the winter months, I ate bee pollen so that when springtime came, there would be no sudden surprise to my system, it would be ready.  Each year my reactions got less and less, then thee were gone completely after about 3 springs.

    This is what I would try with food too.

    I would find my tolerance level.  How much (organic food) can I eat without breaking out.  Then continue to eat that regularly, then slowly increase the amount to where I get a small reaction, and continue eating that amount until the reaction lessens or goes away.  Patience is a must, as it can take years. But, hey, it just might be chemicals.

    If it were me, I would try very hard to solve the underlying problem(s) before giving up on any food that others have no prob. eating.

  5. Are you allergic to veggies & fruit? That is the basics...add nuts..seeds...theres a wide variety.....cous cous with almonds, lemon rind &juice & spinach *perfect

    If your reason for vegetarian lifestyle is for the animals then you can do anything to protect the lives of those that were born as food......

  6. You can still eat every other bean and vegetable on the planet, grains, nuts and seeds.

  7. beans, pasta, nuts, cheese, vegetables... I am a vegetarian and I really don't like fruit or lentils either.

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