
I don't think my crutches are fitted properly?

by Guest59597  |  earlier

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I was in the ER last night for a foot injury(a painful but minor sprain). I was given crutches but no one really took the time to make sure they were fitted properly. I stand just shy of 5'6 barefooted so they were adjusted to the 5'6 mark and the handles are in the direct middle slot. When I stand up straight the crutch comes right up to my arm pit and the handle sits halfway between my wrist and my palm. My husband says it appears that I am using them correctly(hes been on them before) but something doesn't seem right with the fit. Can anyone help me? I had a stressed out PA helping me with the crutches(ER was totally slammed). I think she was clueless. I think the fit might be part of the reason I am hurting so much in my arms, shoulders and ribs.




  1. The handle you hold onto with your hand.. that part should hit the crease of your wrist when you stand up straight with the crutch against your body.

    Here, this explains it too

  2. The biggest mistake made in fitting crutches is not allowing enough room between the top of the crutch and your armpit.   While standing, place the crutch at your side - there should be at least two inches of space between the top of the crutch and your arm pit.  When using the crutches, your crutch should NOT push up into your armpit.  If it is, using crutches (1) will be painful and (2) could cause damage to the nerve plexus and brachial artery, both of which run through the axillary (armpit) area.  

    Once you have adjusted the height correctly, hold the crutch at your side and grasp the handle.  Your arm should be bent at approximately a 45 degree angle.  If it isn't, adjust the hand grip as needed to accomplish this.  Remember, you are using mostly upper body strength when you use crutches.  If your arms are straight, or bent too much, you cannot fully and appropriately use your upper body strength.  

    Try these adjustments and see if your crutches feel more comfortable.  Remember, you may need to readjust crutches depending upon the shoe you are wearing on your good foot (which hopefully is a shoe with good support and traction, so you don't slip and hurt yourself - again!)  :-)

    Hope this helps.  Good luck!

  3. If you can put 2 fingers between your crutches n ur armpit it is right  

  4. For an accurate fit the crutches should be placed in front of you and then off to the side.  In this way the top of the crutches are not in the armpits but more into the side.  The arms when you swing through should be fully extended at the elbow but should have a slight bend when at your side.  If you don't feel that they are fitted properly stop in any physical therapy office and they should be glad to show you if they are properly fitted.  As for the muscle pain that is natural as you are stressing muscles that are not used to this work load.  With time they will get stronger and stop hurting.  

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