
I don't think the McCanns are guilty but they are very annoying. Who agrees?

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I don't think the McCanns are guilty but they are very annoying. Who agrees?




  1. Well they are guilty of neglect.

    Which NORMAL parent would leave 3 under 5's in an apartment on their own, whilst they go out for a meal?

  2. Anyone who puts a night out before the safety of there children and then one child goes missing should be brought before the courts annoying is to nice for these people I'm afraid..........!!

  3. guilty of neglect and annoying!

  4. Lost many children yourself have you?  I hope I would be just as annoying if a nightmare like that ever happened in my family.

  5. Annoying..Know them personally do you, then tell us what have they done to you ?

  6. I disagree on first point and agree on second

  7. I don't think, I know they are guilty and utterly contemptible.

  8. annoying?????

    They left 3 babies alone whilst they went drinking

    Annoying is not a word I would use

  9. They may be annoying to you despite the fact that you have never even met them. I think you should but this question to the twins when you would get a very different answer.

  10. Do not agree!

    How can you find the McCanns very annoying while all you know about then is what you are spoon fed?

    We may never know the truth, but one thing is for sure, so long as it effects people like you the tabloids will sell their papers.

    Get a life!

    and don't be so judgemental on others

  11. I frankly couldn't care less about them. It's the self righteous @rseholes on here that hack me off.

    They're the one's who'd 'never leave kids alone for five minutes' or those who've convicted or cleared, either way, in spite of the utter lack of clear evidence of anything.

    They're the one's who think it's ok for them to be police, jury and judge all in one.

  12. No. Sorry they didn't manage to annoy me. Initially on May 4th, as the news broke I was pretty angry at them for leaving their kids, enabling some nutcase to snatch one,  but as time went on, my heart went out to them and I have supported them throughout this horrendous chapter in theirs & Madeleines lives.

  13. Why because they have been strong enough and not sloppy filling bathfuls of tears ...

  14. yes they are annoying,im sad that maddie has not been found and im sure that they are heartbroken etc,but what saddens me is that other missing kids are not given the media coverage that the mc cann case has,not all parents of missing kids have access to the media,get comfort from papal meetings etc,every missing child should have media coverage and not be forgotton

  15. McCann questions are just as annoying!!

  16. I agree, they should have been better parents.

  17. Who cares.

    I think the McCann bashers have had their grubby little day.

    This is probably Dave S unable to get over being a despicable little tw*t.

  18. Troll!!

  19. I dont think they are guilty nor do I find them annoying. They are two people who have lost their child. Yes they may have been at fault by leaving them but they still have to live without her and thats a shame.

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