
I don't think this follows any particular form, but will you read it anyway?

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Long ago, when my boy was wee

Life was not grand for he and me

Ruled by drug infused lunatic

myself he'd choke, the dog he'd kick

Days were long, filled with silence

night brought pain, screaming, violence

The boy cries stop! "Why daddy, why?

You're gonna make my mama die!"

Escape we did into the night

Protected by God's holy light.

I was wary of posting this, but then we've all had our trials, haven't we?




  1. Wow! It is so real! I love poems that are based on something real. It is sad - but YOU HAVE WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Will you please read this?;...

  2. Yet, look at you now. These bitter herbs are the ingredients in a fine soup, one that is filled with American flavors. Now, quit making people cry.

  3. Reenie, you have learned that from all bad things, comes good things eventually.This is how we grow and become strong.Bravo to a very strong, courageous woman.Your poetry is so beautifully written, no one would ever believe the trials you have endured.But, maybe that is why you see the world in all it's beauty.Keep writing girl,you have so much to give to all of us.Thanks once again.

  4. And like the Phoenix...we have (for the most part) transcended those times.

    Never be wary of writing about feelings...

  5. wow! thats really good! it made me cry.

    i loved it.

  6. Behind the doors

    Darkness stares out

    Trapping us

    Tricking us

    Until we crack the door

    And open, in comes light

    Where do we get the strength to open these doors?

    No form could contain these words!

  7. So INDEED you've found your muse!!!

    Let 'er rip, girl!!!!


  8. its more of a JINGLE or RHYME but not what I would call "poetry"  

  9. You have written a poem. Poems do not have to be written in any kind of form. It rhymes, it has meter, it contains a message that engages others. This is what a poem should do. You have done well!

    Add a title, I want to put it on file.

  10. It was a good poem; it is also extremely sad. I too had a father similar, at times, to an alcohol consumed madman, he was either wonderful or awful. He was also a victim of his own childhood. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I am sure this will prove to be cathartic for you.  Thanks for posting.  Words were well said.

  12. BRAVO !!!

    Excellent summary of the trials you have endured.  

    Thank you for sharing this.

  13. I completely understand why you were wary of posting this.  It's not easy sharing such personal experiences with the population when you don't know how they will react.  Because of this, I find this poem brave and honest.  This is something I have not been able to come to terms with myself.  I want so badly to write about my childhood experiences, but they make me uncomfortable and I'm afraid of making others feel uncomfortable as well.  I can't even do it for myself at this point.  Maybe someday I will find the strength that you have to get it out in the open.  Thank you for sharing.  This is a great poem.

  14. A sad truth that happens all too often. When I was in high school my mom dated an abusive guy. Me and my twin put him in the hospital finally. Made me feel better, as I hope composing this did for you. Kudos for having the strength not only do the right thing, but to post this poem. It may just help someone finally make up their mind to do the same.

  15. Ignore your first poster. Poetry is the panacea for the soul, and it does everybody good to know where others come from. This makes your poetry even more meaningful to me, knowing that you came from a place of darkness into the serenity of the garden and the bright side of life poetry that has endeared you to me. Thank you for this revelation. I am proud to call you my friend. Blessings to you, Reenie.

  16. Poetry doesn't always have to have a set structure...Kudos.  I'd tweak line 3 just doesn't flow.

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