
I don't think this is weird,,,,do you???

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We plan birthday parties, graduations, weddings etc...Why do people think it's so strange to plan your funeral? I was talking about this at work today and people thought it was just awful..since we don't have any choice in how we are brought into this world, shouldn't we have a choice in how we go out???




  1. I don't think it's weird at all, but a lot of people think it's 'preparing for death' and 'getting ready to die' and all that bull****. I think it's a fine idea, and it's YOUR life and death, so I say do what you want.

  2. It is Strange and Satanical to "plan" your own death and funeral.  If i die today i want to be carried to teh top of a mountain and left there

    When God wants you, He will take you back.   and when he does, i dont give a d**n about where my flesh goes.

    i will put it in my will when i die that i want a preacher to console the family and assure them that i will see them again.  

    They dont have to have a funeral for me, throw me in with the garbage for all i care.

  3. i dunno, it's kinda strange in an emo kind of way

  4. I agree with you. But the thought of peoples own demise, upsets many.

  5. I don't and I think you should plan before you die

  6. i agree


    funerals aren't to great but

    it can be if you remember the good times


    and if you plan the funeral

    that makes it that much better

  7. I think planning the funeral is a great idea.  Saves the living from having to worry about what you want.  I mean, if you are going to request cremation vs. burial, you might as well go all the way.  Just be sure to leave the family alternative plans if, say, that funeral home you had your eye on is too pricey or booked solid the day you die.  (Could happen.)

  8. It's viewed as weird because human beings in general fear death. Death is sad, it's tragic, yeah it happens to everyone but that doesn't make it hurt any less, that doesn't make it any less sad. birthday parties, graduations, weddings, they are all celebrations for happy moments and achievements. Do you want to have a party everytime a war is started? Everytime a couple breaks up or divorces? Everytime a child who has barely begun to live is diagnosed with a terminal illness? No because they are all sad, hurtful, depressing, un-happy things. And so is death.  I do understand where you are coming from, a funeral should be a celebration of someones life so I don't think it's weird, a bit morbid yes but not weird. But others don't understand.

  9. I don't think it's weird. I mean, you should have a choice, and better to have it picked out so your grieving relatives don't have to.

  10. Its all opinion and it should be stated by the person how the want to go out. Since its your life.

  11. well you have to plan a funeral or you would just say ''oh well he is dead lets just leave him out in the rain '' it is not weird

    it is actually better than leavinga dead guy in the rain

  12. Nobody wants to face their own mortality, to the point that they make their loved ones face everything once they are gone.  That normally when the fighting stops.  

    "Mom would have wanted that kind of casket."

    "Dad would have wanted that piece of music."

    I'm only 44 and I've had mine planed and paid for since just after I got married.  (Maybe I thought she would drive me to an early grave or something.  lol).  I've also had to do two overseas tours with the military and anything could have happened so it was best to plan ahead so my family didn't have to.

  13. why bother what others said.. do what you feel good n with no regrets..

  14. in our society, death is a small taboo because many are superstitious.  many people believe that planning for something will either cause it to occur or happen sooner.  I personally think planning a funeral is a smart choice because it will allow for you to get the exact funeral that you want.  Also, it will unbelievably ease the mental anguish of your family and friends when they would normally prepare your wedding.  Also, when planned early, decisions will be more thought out without the cloud of sadness disrupting them.

  15. not weird- i'd call it practical

  16. Well just a little.

    I mean why worry about dying.

    It just makes you feel sad about it.

    And I dont think you should because like what if you die in a crash and your messed pretty bad. And none of the stuff you wanted they can do.

    It was just a waste of time.

  17. Absolute not.  If you pre-plan your funeral you can be sure that things are laid out how you want them.  Not to mention it will all be paid for and will keep your family from trying to make the hard decisions in their time of grief. When my grand father passed away his arrangements had been maid for several years and we had no stress. All we had to do was contact the funeral home and everything was carried out just like we (and he) had wanted it.

  18. I like the idea. My dad has given me quotes and songs he'd like at his. Also, what kind of luncheon he wants. It takes pressure off the family at a difficult time.

  19. it may seem weird, but u never know wats gonna happen. lifes too short to worry about wat other ppl think

  20. um why do u care what people think. Plan the funeral. I think thats great to do that

  21. My mom planned her funeral it was very thoughtful, just like my mom. She had decided on the readings, music, and small details that made it easy to deal with when she died. It is a loving thing to do for your family. I have followed her example.

  22. Planning for the arrangements (burial, cremation,etc.) is great, but planning the details of the service is kind of gruesome, and perhaps a bit controlling, since you won't be there to know if your plans are carried out.

    I think most people trust their closest friends and family to know what they would like, after their passing.

  23. plan away, i have already put the instructions in my will. and i am 48, what flowers i want, music ect.  why not, it will make it easier for the family, you never know when you will pass on, this way they know what you want and why so go right ahead.  i see nothing wrong at all.

  24. You really shouldn't care. You'll most likely already be rotting by the time they gather up your family & friends to take a look.

    Oh, and you'll either be in a vase or pumped full of embalming fluid, depending on what you choose.

  25. i don't think we should to plan our funeral it is not nessecery west of time! coz we are not happy with that plus we dont know when we will die

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