
I don't think those "How Am I Driving" decals are really meant to have someone call and actually tell them....

by  |  earlier

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do you? I have found that when I have a REALLY bad driver I would like to report I can't get the number since he's driving all over the road like a crazyman! I don't think the decals are really there for a reason, do you?




  1. I have called before and sometimes you get a company that handles this for the main company and then reports this to them.

    Sometimes you get the main company but what happens after that is any ones guess....................

  2. You're right- If you call the 800 # you get a phone s*x company--NOT

    Those are legit numbers & if the company has hired that agency to take reports of their drivers driving in an unsafe manner, then that driver will be disciplined by their employer for all verifiable complaints.

  3. They are there to show that the company that hired the driver "cares"

  4. this was another good idea that was misused. if the truck splashed your car or held you up people would call the number in hopes of getting the driver fired. the co's don't pay any attention to the call anymore since so many are crank calls.

  5. I have called that number written on the back of a vehicle.

    Note the time, location, and lic. number of the vehicle as well as the color and type of vehicle too so the company can discipline the right person.

    Insurance companies encourage fleet managed units to provide this decal on the back of vehicles to remind their driver's to drive according to the Rules of the Road.

    Big companies get insurance discounts for hours of driving safety with their fleets of vehicles.

    The public should probably report more unsafe actions, but don't.

    You can report any "crazy" driver as long as you provide the police with all the proper information........what, where, how, when, why.........and will also be asked to make a written statement including all the information you noted, and you will be asked by the police whether you are prepared to go to court over the issue. The sooner after the incident you report it, the more you will remember, and the more respect you'll get from the police as well.

  6. Of course they are there for a reason, many companys care a lot! Those driving recklessly in their vehicles make them look bad.

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