
I don't understand A levels! Please explain...?

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Would it be possible to take two AS levels rather than all four A2 levels then making one of those an AS level...

It really confuses me I need to know if it would also boost down my chances of getting into university abroad...

Could somebody please explain to me about the concept!!!




  1. AS is half an A2.  So you will need to do 2 AS to make 1 A2.

  2. if u r an international student nd want to apply to engand or australia then u need at least 2 subject A level completed otherwise if u apply in places like canada or the US u dont  need to complete A levels--u just need to complete O levels which they consider equivalent to high school here-----thts wat i did nd i got accepted

  3. ok, 6 modules to an A-level, 3 modules as AS, and 3 as A2 for each subject.

    Universities prefer you to do 3 or more A-levels, depending on the course you are intending of applying.

    You can do Maths and Further Maths in Lower-sixth (Year 12), and combine the 2 and you will get a full A-level after one year. And if you wish to continue Maths in the following year, you will receive 2 Maths A-levels (Maths and Further Maths).

    You can retake your modules, so for example, I didn't do very well in my chemistry AS, and the beginning of A2, so I re-took all 6 modules in the last summer of sixth form.

    Hope that is a little more clear.

    Good luck, choose your subjects for A-levels carefully!!!!

  4. I would advise against it. taking new AS instead of continuing to A2 makes you look like a quitter/ incapable of studying at the higher level of A2. Im sure this isn't true, but that's what it will look like!

  5. As far as I understand, it's AS level + A2 level = A level.  You do the AS in your year 12 and then the harder A2 level in your year 13, with the A2 level material building on what you've learnt at AS level.

  6. I've no idea how universities abroad see british A-levels, but an As-level is basically half an A-level.

    You can take as many As-levels as you feel able (4 or 5 used to be normal) and you'd go on to study 3 or 4 as full A-levels.

    Check UCAS for the relative worth of different qualifications. This is how universities compare different qualifications in the UK.

    You can see As-levels are worth half A-levels.

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