
I don't understand. At the core of Obama's policies, what is there that people love so much?

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So far, I have gotten that Obama is a divine speaker. Calls for shift in policies, which equals change; but to where? I have also gotten party loyality answers and a basic policy list that could apply to most other politicians.

These are hardly " at the core" of any policy.

I did ask a similar question about McCain, but I really wasn't expecting much. On this question, I was hoping for something that I didn't already know.

Was there something I could have missed about Obama' s policies that wasn't just so general and typical?




  1. Obama's policies aren't that different from Sen. Hillary Clinton's but I think what draws people to him is his charisma and demeanor. His policies of healthcare for all, diplomacy over tactical actions and environmental stance are all important to me but it's the way he delivers his message that truly speaks to me.

  2. I don't understand either.  No one here has been able to give a clear reason on why they want to vote for him.

  3. People prefer his platform to McCain's.  80% of Americans think the US is headed in the wrong direction.  McCain's wants to stay on this course. Obama's proposals almost all call for a shift in policies.

  4. The fact that he's not a republican and he's not John McCain.

  5. He Listens and he a good speaker...He does not side step questions...

  6. While students appreciated Mr. Obama’s evenhandedness, colleagues sometimes wanted him to take a stand. When two fellow faculty members asked him to support a controversial antigang measure, allowing the Chicago police to disperse and eventually arrest loiterers who had no clear reason to gather, Mr. Obama discussed the issue with unusual thoughtfulness, they say, but gave little sign of who should prevail — the American Civil Liberties Union, which opposed the measure, or the community groups that supported it out of concern about crime.

    “He just observed it with a kind of interest,” said Daniel Kahan, now a professor at Yale.

    This is the core of Obama's thought process: do nothing, the problem will soon sort itself out. Some people like this non commitment, no stand attitude and is the main reason he is popular in Europe. The Europeans finally have an American president they can run rough shod over which they have not been able to do since Jimmy Carter was president.

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