
I don't understand. I'm so angry!?

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I don't understand!! I'm angrier then ever and I don't know why... All of a sudden I have had the urge to find the kids that bully me in school and ground their faces into the dirt. Next year if I get bullied I won't hesitate to bring them down.

I have been so angry and All of a sudden I have just wanted to beat of the kids who treat me like sh*t. I have been bullied for the past 2 years. Talking to a parent and teacher has only helped half way.

I don't understand!

Why am I angry all of a sudden???

I feel like I want to grind those bratty kid's faces into the ground. I feel dark, and I feel angryier then EVER.

I have been full of thoughts of beating them up for the past few days... I want revenge.....

I want to be a peacefull guy. But, Next year If I must, I will NOT hesitate to attack that kid even in the class. I won't care about the rules. And I will beat up the kid IF I must to get them off my back.

any ideas or ...?




  1. Hi...

    I think that it's quite ok to protect yourself.  If someone else hits you or touches you, they are violating your space... and you should not have to take it.

    but i do not believe in just attacking someone else out of the blue.

    i'd also like to say something.  routinely, bullies are kids who have emotional problems, so they take out their frustrations on others.  why?  to feel better about themselves, if only for a moment.

    i really do think that, if you can't get good help from the teachers or principal of the school, go to the superintendent's office.

    and YES by all means, protect yourself.  i sure hope things get better and work out well.

    i have done a yahoo search for "Teens How to Deal with Bullies" and got a lot of hits -- i chose the two articles below for you... i hope these might help, even in some small way.

    sending hugs.

  2. It's normal to be angry and to want revenge.  Getting revenge probably won't change anything.  the bully will want his revenge.  Plus you could get into trouble.  

    Don't do anything that will get you in trouble.  You will never be able to control another person but you can control you.

    a bully is a bully because he is miserable, dislikes his own life.  He's a mess.

    You - get some counseling.

  3. i feel the same way. There was this girl who called me names and at lunch she sprayed me with perfume in my eyes. i walked away but she tried 2 do it again and i took her arm and twisted it. the principle saw me but i ran away. the girl got in trouble and later the counceler told me i had the right to do it. you should have seen me though i was shaking so bad in class and i was thinking about running out and attacking her but i didnt. so many kids pushed me but i never broke i knew that their lves will or probly already are h**l and i just decided it didnt matter they would later on get picked on or maybe someone would stand up for me. i am a really tall girl and i have no idea what she was thinking i mean i have never hurt anyone but she was trying to look cool. and funny thing is now we are friends and never bring it up again. so please just dont hit or attack anyone they will get what is comin to them ;)

  4. Hun, get down on your knees and take that anger to the Lord in prayer. He knows how you feel and can help you through it so you don't  do something stupid, but more importantly, before you sin against Him.

    Kids can be cruel. I know. But it takes a person with character to do good to those who hurt you,  bless those who curse you, and pray for those who use you. It's taking the cowards way to do to them what they do to you. Then you're no better than them.

  5. could be bipolar. You get alot of mood swings just like randomly. You can go to your doctor and see if it is bipolar disorder. And they can give you some pills to controll the mood swings.

  6. You need to take a deep breath... You got to try and ignore the jerks, i know it's not easy to do, but Karma is a bi*** and one day they will get whaty is coming to them, but it shouldnt be by you next year. You're probably thinking "yeah ok, whatever" and that i ahve no clue, but i used to get picke don when i was in school and i ignored them and left it alone, yeah it hurt my feelings and it made me so mad, but i didnt do anything drastic like beat them up, a lot of them arent exactly having a peice of cake life now...Maybe you should try talking to a therapist (they are really helpful for jsut sorting out your feelings and things maybe they could help you wiht your anger) or file a harrasment suit against the kid, there is a zero tolerance policy for bullying in schools...there is also the chocie of changing your school...Dont do anything drastic, not matter how tough you think you are it could end really badly for you whether it be for assult or if the other kid does something that will cost you your life

  7. just ignore them. and think aboput how it coming from, if they are a bully then they are smaller and very much a loser while you are the bigger man not responding to the way they want you to

  8. Cool down. YOu're not going to solve your problems with violence.

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