
I don't understand about how to add graphics or high light pages or to "pimp" out my yahoo360 blog any ideas?

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I'v read quite alot about glitter graphics and cut and paste stuff but I don't understand how to do any thing?besides changeing my personal photos some help plz!!!! thanks :)




  1. Even if the 360 disappears tomorrow, most blogging sites use the same type of html source coding embedding that yahoo does.. here is how ya do it.. once you get started ... you will love it..

    You want to know how to use the Html option.

    To put graphics and multiple photos into your blog is really easy. It looks confusing but just follow the steps I give you and you will be able to do it!

    1. Find a Graphics site you wish to use like Glitter and find the html code for web pages or blogs.. exp. if it says MySpace code.. that is the one you can use anywhere on the net.

    2. Copy the code from there and go back and open a compose blog page.

    3. On top of the composer is a check box and the words HTML Source..

    4. Put some text into the composer( this is important to put the text in first .. it will not make your image for you if you don't)

    5. Put a check into the box of the HTML Source.

    6. Paste the code into the composer.

    7. Uncheck the box.

    Your photo should appear in the composer.

    8. Finish your blog and post it.


    You can put as many graphics or photos into your blog that you want with this option. Just follow the same steps as above and with practice you will learn how to make them go where you wish them to on the page and make it really  a great way to have fun and share things in your blogs with friends.

    If you wish to use your own photos in multiples then you will need to open an account with one of the photo hosting sites on the internet.. if I put the name of the one I use in this answer Yahoo will not post it.. so let me just say.. do a google search.. for..  photo...**** bucket.....

  2. This is just my 2 cents worth but why bother when yahoo is doing away with  the 360 anyway. Here is a link to thier blog to read for yourself.

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