
I don't understand about the "end of the world" thing... help explain please?

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People keep predicting when the world's going to end. Most people say the world will end when the sun dies (duh)

But one day my older brother was telling me about some people saying that the world is going to end by a meteor in 2012 or something.... I've tried looking around for more information about that, but i couldn't find any. Can you explain that to me??

Also, my friend said that other people are saying that the world's going to end in 2012 because of some calandar? (hun?!) I totally don't understand that... can you give me more information about that too?

And is there any reason why both are in your 2012?

Now, I know the world is going to end sometime. I don't really believe in that stuff too much (except the sun thing- which would happen when i'm already dead) But when it comes to the stuff I'm totally confused!! Help make that stuff make sense to me please...




  1. No one can predict when the world will come to an end. They have tried before and it did not come true. Read the book of revaluation.

  2. This is a myth based on the irresponsible, (and repeated) airing of a ridiculous pseudo-documentary on the History Channel. That network, and the Discovery Channel and Fox, will air anything they feel will get a bigger audience. Sometimes, their shows are good and worth watching. Other times, they are foolish, sensationalist, tabloid-style hype. It is often difficult to tell which is which, unless you know about a subject. I know about the history of doomsday predictions, pseudoscience, and astronomy.

    The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. They did keep an accurate calendar, but contrary to popular opinion, never predicted any world event accurately. They couldn't predict their own demise; why should they be able to predict ours?

    The alignment with the galactic center is not going to happen. It comes fairly close to happening EVERY year on Dec 21, and will be exactly the same as it always is, in 2012. Even if some perfect alignment did occur, there is nothing about it that could affect the earth. It's like saying, "When these three parking spaces are occupied by three red cars, the world will come to an end."

    Doomsday prophets have always been around and they are always wrong. Every 5 to 10 years, some prediction catches the public's attention and scares a lot of kids...usually thanks to irresponsible media decisions. Dozens of different doomsday scenarios have been piggy-backed on to this date since the show aired. Go to this site to see how many predicted apocalypses we have already missed.

    All that Nibiru stuff is bunk, too. No such planet has ever been discovered. The claim that it was discovered some 25 years ago is not true.

  3. the 2012 thing came from some native latin American tribe's predictions, apparently they were able to predict the end of earth but not the end of their own civilization. for a complete rebuttal follow the link in my source:

  4. The is an asteroid coming close to the earth then, but it is not likely to hit (1 in 43million chance), so don't worry.

    The world won't end in 2012, just like it didn't end in 2000.

    That's all this is, a bunch of hype about some old predictions made ages ago.

    Ask this question again in 5 years, and I'll be able to give you a definite answer as to if the world will end in 2021, lol.

  5. The world isn't going to end in 2012.  As Brant said, it's just another one of those doomsday hypes that goes around every few years.  No one ever remembers the previous hype, though (i.e. there was a prediction that a rogue planet would collide with and destroy the earth in 2003 - it made it onto the news and everything).  Since no one ever remembers the previous doomsday claim, each new one seems unique and scary.

    It comes from the fact that the Mayans had 2 calendars.  The one was a short-term yearly calendar, and the other was a long-term calendar that went on for about 5000 years.  It's the long-term calendar that comes to an end in 2012... but the Mayans never claimed that it would be the end of their world... just where there calendar turns over to its next cycle.

    In short, it's like looking at the calendar on your wall and predicting that the world will end on December 31, 2008, simply because that's where your calendar ends.  

    All of the other stuff (galactic alignment, Nibiru, etc) are just myths wrapped in pseudoscience, made up to give some sort of evidence to the doomsday prediction.

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